Seattle Public Schools

6501 Data Privacy

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board that District employees and other authorized individuals are responsible for maintaining an environment where student, parent/guardian, volunteer, and employee information, data, and/or records are protected. Data and/or records means any personally identifiable information collected or maintained for district purposes, including in whatever form it is communicated (e.g., verbal, electronic, or paper).

All activities involving information, data, and/or records, including the creation, content, maintenance, access, release, use, retention, and destruction of information, data, and/or records, must follow applicable federal and state laws and the district’s policies and procedures. Third parties who are granted access to personally identifiable information are also required to comply with all laws and district policies and procedures.

District employees and other authorized individuals with access to personally identifiable information have the responsibility of protecting it and must take precautions to protect the visibility and accessibility of the information. Employees should be aware of their surroundings and/or type of communications used when discussing sensitive or confidential information verbally or in writing. Any perceived or confirmed information, data, and/or record breach must be reported immediately.

The Superintendent or their designee is granted the authority to develop procedures to implement this policy.