Measures of Academic Progress
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment is taken on a computer and typically requires about an hour each for math and reading. The assessment measures a student’s developing skills through a series of questions that adapt to the child’s level of learning.
Research on MAP indicates the results are highly accurate and predictive (in graded test levels) of proficiency on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA). The results also help teachers measure growth and determine whether a student may need more support or more challenge. The results also may be a factor in Advanced Learning eligibility determinations.
- The Family Guide to MAP Growth is a quick resource you can use to introduce your students’ families to the assessment process and how you’ll be using data to support learning.
- English Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Amharic Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Arabic Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Chinese Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Japanese Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Korean Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Russian Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Spanish Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Somali Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Vietnamese Family Guide to MAP Growth
- Read more about the assessment in the Parent Toolkit portion of the Northwest Evaluation Association’s website
- Questions? Contact