Seattle Public Schools

Seeking a New Member for Capital Programs Oversight Committee

Invitation to Apply to Join the BEX and BTA Capital Programs Oversight Committee

SPS is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Capital Programs Oversight Committee, which oversees the planning and implementation of the Building Excellence (BEX) and Buildings, Technology, and Academics (BTA) capital levies programs. The open seat is for a partial term ending on August 30, 2027.

We are looking for individuals with experience in capital programs, including expertise in areas such as planning, budgeting, cost estimating, project controls, and the organization and management of public agency capital programs.

Committee members should have professional backgrounds in one or more of the following areas: architecture, construction management, law, contracting, subcontracting, or related fields. Parents and other community members are also encouraged to apply if they bring relevant expertise.

This committee plays a vital role in supporting the School Board and the district’s strategic plan, which prioritizes students of color who are furthest from educational justice. To advance this mission, we strongly encourage applications from individuals and groups that have historically been underrepresented in district decision-making processes, including women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Applications are due on Friday, Oct. 4, 2024.

Visit the committee page for more information and the application.

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