Seattle Public Schools

Highly Capable Program Update

Summary : We are writing to provide you with an update on the Highly Capable (HC) program in Seattle Public Schools (SPS).

Highly Capable Program Update

Dear SPS Families and Staff,

We are writing to provide you with an update on the Highly Capable (HC) program in Seattle Public Schools (SPS). Starting with the 2025-26 school year, we will continue to offer the HC hybrid model for the next three years.

This approach will allow eligible students’ families to choose between receiving HC services through the existing HC cohort pathway or at their neighborhood school, providing flexibility to meet the diverse learning needs of our students.

Continuing the Hybrid Model

We are proud of our progress in recent years in identifying more students who qualify for HC services, particularly students of color who have historically been underrepresented in the program.

Students in grades 1-8 will continue to be identified for the HC program through the universal screening process based on a holistic evaluation of students’ existing and available data and information.

Learn more about the eligibility process.

If identified for services, families of eligible students in grades 2-5 can choose between the cohort model or neighborhood school services. Every school has a plan to support HC students through their Continuous School Improvement Plans, which are available on the SPS website.

For 2025-26, eligible students in grades 2 – 5 who wish to attend their HC cohort pathway may still do so by completing a school choice application before the May 31, 2025, deadline. Families can access the form through either The Source or access the form from our enrollment website.

For more information about our school choice process or further assistance, please contact the Admissions office at 206-252-0760 or by email at

Looking Ahead

  • Over the next three years, we will review the hybrid model based on data, student needs, and feedback from community members, families, and educators.
  • We will continue universal screening to find and support students who qualify for HC services.
  • We will provide training for all educators to meet the needs of all students, including those qualified for HC services. Our goal is for all staff to be versed in Universal Design for Learning, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Restorative Practices.
  • Additionally, educators will evaluate data to ensure all HC qualified students get appropriately challenging learning experiences.

Collaboration and Community Engagement

We value the input and experience of families, students, and educators in shaping the future of HC programming. This spring, we will release a schedule of upcoming listening sessions to better understand what you value most. We will present an update regarding the HC program at the March 12 school board meeting. Please share your questions through our Let’s Talk portal. An FAQ will be updated and posted on our website.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership on behalf of our students.


Dr. Ricardo Torres-Morales
Associate Superintendent of Student Supports