Seattle Public Schools

June 26, 2019 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda FINAL Post
Regular Legislative Session
June 26, 2019, 4:15 p.m.

Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134

I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call
  3. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Student Presentations – 4:30 p.m.

  • Meany Middle School’s BWB Drumline 

III. Superintendent Comments – 4:45 p.m.  

IV. Board Committee Reports

V. Student Comments

VI. Business Action Items – 4:55 p.m.

A. Consent Agenda    

  1. Minutes of the June 1, 2019 Board Retreat , the June 12, 2019 Regular Board Meeting.
  2. Warrants Report – May

May 2019 Warrants​


General Fund






Capital Project Fund



Associated Student Body



Grand Total




*Note – Payroll total reflects warrants issued to employees. It does not however, reflect cash transfer amounts in payment of employees’ Direct Deposit payroll.

B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

VII. Public Testimony – 5:30 p.m.


1. Annakl Landwehr

Superintendent Evaluation

2. Joanne Pinkham

Restore Indian Heritage and AAA; Duwamish Resolution

3. RenaMateja WalkerBurr

Ethnic studies beloved blackness; Superintendent Eval

4. Claire Lebeau

STI curriculum & culture adoption; Superintendent Eval

5. David Westberg

Superintendent Criteria documents; the PERC posting

6. Melissa Westbrook

Tribal History

7. Chris Jackins

Amendment 1 2019-20 Budget; Naming of RBHS Library;

Amendment 1 to Tribal History & Cultural Instructional Materials


8. Michelle Landwehr

Superintendent Eval; Amendment for AAA and IHHS

9. Sebrena Burr

Supt Eval; Revise Board Policy 4130 Title I Parent & Family 

Engagement, & Creating a culture & Environment that respects,

honors, and embraces beloved blackness and rejects anti-


10. Sarah Sense WilsonAmendment to STI Curriculum & Supporting the funding of Indian Heritage HS & AAA; Supt Eval
11. Julia Wilson-PeltierAmendment to STI; Supt Eval
12. Chandler CharlesSTI Curriculum Amendment; Superintendent Eval
13. Tom SpeerTribal History & Culture adoption
14. Megan BastilloDuwamish Resolution Amendment; Superintendent Eval
15. Carol SimmonsTribal History & Culture Extended
16. Vicki PinkhamReinstatement of Indian Heritage HS, AAA, Duwamish Resolution, Supt Eval; Keeping Licton Springs
17. Cullen DackusbSTI; Supt Eval
18. Lisa KonickSTI Amendment; Supt Eval
19. Jim SimmonsTribal History & Culture Extended
20. Alex TsimermanTribal History and culture
21. Genzsis AlcalaSTI; Supt Eval
22. Yesenia TegaSTI Amendment; Supt Eval
23. Aidan CarrollTribal History and Culture adoption
24. Jennifer Dunn CharltonEthnic Studies and the 19-20 Budget
25. Jonathan GreenbergEthnic Studies in the 2019-20 Budget

Wait List


1. Darrin Hoop

Ethnic Studies in the 19-20 budget

2. Rimone Brandom

Fixing & adopting the 2019-20 budget, Amendment 1

3. Aneesa Roidad


4. Vivian van Gelder

Adoption of 2019-20 SPS Budget

5. Alex Escarcega

Fixing and adopting the 19-20 budget, Amendment 1

6. Shaylon Williams

Fixing and adopting the 19-20 budget, Amendment 1

7. Rickie Malone

AAA and Native American School

8. Ramona Tellez

Budget funding for Ethnic Studies

9. Blaine Parce

Resolution 2018-19-31, fixing and adopting 19-20 budget

Amendment 1

10. Monte Anderson

In support of student community workforce agreement

11. Leah Scott

School Dress Code

12. Anna Pavlik

Board Task Force for Student and Community Workforce


13. Karen Dove

Pre-apprenticeship programs and community workforce agreements

14. Stephanie Cristol

Ethnic Studies

15. Alejandro Baltazar Vang-Johnson

Need for ethnic studies & restorative justice circles

16. Eric Blumhagen

UNEA Partnership

17. Brian Terry

Racial equity in advanced learning

18. Erica Ijeoma

Ethnic Studies

19. Manuela Slye

Strategic Plan

20. Star Nayaa

Seattle Public Schools eviction of UNEA from Robert Eagle Staff

21. Harsimran Kaur

Ethnic studies

22. Christina Pizana

Ethnic studies

23. Mona Heffen

Importance of ethnic studies

24. Maureen McCauley

Ethnic Studies

25. Bruce Jackson

Ethnic Studies

26. Sarah Davis

Transparency, staff allocations, counselors

27. Jeffery Palmer

Urban Native Education Association’s relationship with SPS

28. Katherine Monica Giseburt

The importance of prioritizing Ethnic Studies in SPS

29. Robin Counts

Ethnic Studies

30. Debra Limon

American Indian program at Licton Spring & RES

31. Joe Baca

Board Task Force for Student and Community Workforce agreement

VIII. Board Comments

IX. Business Action Items (Continued) – 6:30 p.m.

C. Action Items

  1. Tribal History and Culture Extended Core Instructional Materials Adoption (C&I, May 21, for consideration) Approval of this item will waive Board Policy 2015 while maintaining compliance with state law and approve the Instructional Materials Committee’s recommendation to adopt Tribal History and Culture Instructional Materials for all K-12 Seattle Public Schools classrooms.


  2. Approval of the 2019-20 Superintendent Evaluation Documents (Exec, May 22, for approval) Approval of this item would accept the 2019-20 Superintendent Evaluation documents, as attached to the Board Action Report.
  3. Approval of the 2019-20 and 2020-21 Performance Evaluation Compensation Criteria for the Superintendent (Exec, May 22, for approval) Approval of this item would accept the Superintendent’s performance evaluation compensation criteria for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, as attached to the Board Action Report as Exhibit A.
  4. Approval of the 2019-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Seattle Public Schools and the Principals’ Association of Seattle Schools (Exec, June 11, for approval) Approval of this item would accept the 2019-24 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Seattle Public Schools and the Principals’ Association of Seattle Schools and authorize the Superintendent, on behalf of the Board, to execute the agreement in the form attached to the School Board Action Report, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the terms of this agreement. Immediate approval is in the best interest of the District.(Introduction and Action)

D. Introduction Items

  1. Board Policy No. 3143, District Notification of Juvenile Offenders (Ops, June 6, for consideration) Approval of this item would make edits to the Board Policy No. 3143 because a recent state-wide audit found that school leaders needed clearer guidance on this issue. The updated policy is a reflection of changes suggested by WSSDA to provide more clarity.
  2. BTA IV: Resolution 2018/19-27, Final Acceptance of Contract K5075 with Lincoln Construction for the Roxhill Elementary at E.C. Hughes School Modernization Project (Ops, June 6, for approval) Approval of this item would give final acceptance of Contract K5075 with Lincoln Construction for the Roxhill Elementary at E.C. Hughes School project. Board approval allows the district to submit required documents to the State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries, Department of Revenue and Employment Security Department and closeout the project, including authorizing the release of project retainage.
  3. Approval of the Capacity, Enrollment and Facility Master Planning (CEAFMP) Advisory Committee (Ops, June 6, for consideration) Approval of this item would approve the formation and Charter of the Capacity, Enrollment and Facility Master Planning (CEAFMP) Advisory Committee, as attached to the Board Action Report.
  4. Revise Board Policy No. 4130 Title I Parent & Family Engagement (Exec, June 12, for approval) Approval of this item would amend and retitle Board Policy No. 4130, Title I Parent & Family Engagement, as attached to the Board Action Report.
  5. Board Task Force for Student and Community Workforce Agreement (Exec, June 12, for consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the formation of the Student and Community Workforce Agreement (SCWA) Task Force, and direct the Superintendent to initiate the Task Force per the attached SCWA Task Force Charge.
  6. Approval of Creative Advantage Arts Partnership Fund with the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (C&I, June 11, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute the Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture for $362,500 for The Creative Advantage pathways, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the agreement. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.
  7. Approval of contract to support the Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program for the 2019-20 school year  (C&I, June 11, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract with Seattle Central College for a total Not-To-Exceed amount of $575,000 over fiscal years 2019/20, in the form of the draft Agreement dated 5/24/2019 and attached to the School Board Action Report, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
  8. Approval of Board Policy No. 3224, Student Dress (C&I, June 11, for consideration) Approval of this item would establish a universal student dress policy for all students in the district.
  9. Renewal of Washington Schools Risk Management Pool coverage for fiscal year 2019-2020 (A&F, June 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the proposed Washington Schools Risk Management Pool coverage agreement for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and that the expenditure of $2,628,318 in premium contributions to the WSRMP loss funding pool be authorized.
  10. Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is applying for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant (CCLC) in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation (Parks) and key community-based organizations  (A&F, June 10, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant funding and enter into necessary agreements, should SPS be selected as a provider.
  11. Seattle Public Schools (SPS) Personal Services Contracts (PSC) for Seattle Parks & Recreation, City Year of Seattle, University Tutors of Seattle Schools, and Seneca Family of Agencies (A&F, June 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute contracts for a combined total of $3,421,180 with City f Seattle’s Parks & Recreation Department ($566,321), University Tutors for Seattle Schools ($647,759), Seneca Family of Agencies ($1,144,600 and City Year ($1,062,500), for school year 2018-19 for the purpose of providing Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funded or other funding source activities in selected elementary, K-8, middle and high schools, with any minor additions, deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.
  12. Amending Board Policy No. 6100, Revenues from Local, State, and Federal Sources (A&F, June 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 6100, Revenues from Local, State, and Federal Sources, as attached to the Board Action Report.
  13. Resolution 2018/19-31, Fixing and Adopting the 2019-20 Budget (A&F, June 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would adopt Resolution 2018/19-31, to fix and adopt the 2019-2020 Budget, the four-year budget plan summary, and the four-year enrollment projections.


  14. Amending Board Policy No. 6020, System of Funds and Accounts (A&F, June 10, for approval) Approval of this item would make edits to Board Policy No. 6020, System of Funds and Accounts, in order to meet new requirements in state law. These edits modify language describing the local revenue subfund to account for local enrichment levies separately from other basic education activities in the general fund in accordance with RCW 28A.320.330. In addition, edits in the capital projects, debt service and associated student body funds were made to provide greater clarity in the use of those funds.

X. Executive Session: To discuss agency litigation and potential litigation, and to review negotiations on the performance of publicly bid contract when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. This session will begin at the conclusion of the regular Board meeting and last approximately 45 minutes. The legislative session will reconvene at the conclusion of the executive session to adjourn the meeting if there is no further business before the Board. No action will be taken as a result of the executive session.

XI. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders


A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website. A paper copy of upcoming meetings will be provided at Board Meetings. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.