May 13, 2020 – Regular Board Meeting
AgendaFINAL Post
Regular Legislative Session
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 1:00 p.m.
Board of Directors
Meeting to be held remotely
The John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence is closed to the public
IMPORTANT NOTE: This meeting will be held remotely per the Governor’s Proclamation 20-28, which currently prohibits public agencies from conducting meetings subject to the Open Public Meetings Act in-person to curtail the spread of COVID-19, and consistent with School Board Resolution 2019/20-29.
The meeting audio will be live streamed on SPS-TV or can be listened to on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), Wave 26 (standard-def) and 695 (hi-def), and Century Link 8008 (standard-def) and 8508 (hi-def). To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 658 798 553#. The meeting can also be streamed with Microsoft Teams.
There will be no public testimony consistent with the Board’s March 11, 2020 vote to waive relevant provisions of Board Policy 1430 and Board Procedure 1430BP and Board Resolution 2019/20-29, suspending Board policies to facilitate implementation of emergency measures in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Written comments may be submitted to the Board at any time by email to, by fax to 206-252-0101, or by mail to Seattle School District, Attention: Board of Directors, MS 11-010, PO Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1165. The School Board Office can be reached by phone at 206-252-0040 for questions about providing written comments.
I. Call to Order – 1:00 p.m.
- General Welcome Announcement to Audience
- Roll Call
II. Superintendent Comments
III. Business Action Items
A. Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the April 29, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
- Personnel Report
- Approval of new Board Policy No. 3423, Parent/Guardian Administration of Marijuana for Medical Purposes, and amending existing Board Policy No. 5201, Drug-Free Schools, Community & Workplace (Ops, April 8, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve Board Policy No. 3423, Parent/Guardian Administration of Marijuana for Medical Purposes, and amend Board Policy No. 5201, Drug-Free Schools, Community & Workplace, as attached to the Board Action Report. (Updated Since Introduction)
B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
C. Action Items
- BEX V: Award Contract P1721 for Construction Project Management Services to CBRE | Heery for the Lincoln High School Phase 2 project (Ops, April 8, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute contract P1721 for Construction Project Management Services with CBRE | Heery in the amount of $1,399,056, including reimbursable expenses, with any minor additions, deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent to implement the contract.
- BEX V: Award Construction Contract P5139 to Wayne’s Roofing, Inc., for the West Seattle High School Roof Replacement project (Ops, April 8, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute construction contract P5139 with Wayne’s Roofing, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $7,015,064, plus Washington State Sales Tax, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract. (Updated Since Introduction)
D. Introduction Items
- High School Chemistry B Instructional Materials Adoption Approval of this item would approve the recommendation of the Instructional Materials Committee to adopt the District-Developed CHEM B high school instructional materials as recommended by the High School Science Instructional Materials Adoption Committee and authorize the Superintendent to enter into agreements and incur costs to implement the CHEM B instructional materials for all Seattle Public Schools’ high school Chemistry B (CHEM B) science classrooms for an amount not to exceed $367,845, covering school years 2020-21 through 2027-28.(Updated Since Posted for 4/29 Meeting)
IV. Board Comments
- Comments will be limited to two minutes per Director
V. Executive Session: To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). This session will begin at the conclusion of the regular Board meeting and last approximately 30 minutes. The legislative session will reconvene at the conclusion of the executive session to adjourn the meeting if there is no further business before the Board. No action will be taken during the legislative session as a result of the executive session.
VI. Adjourn –3:00 3:30 p.m.
Calendar Reminders
A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.