Seattle Public Schools

1112 Board Member Orientation

SPS Policy 1112: Board Member Orientation

The Board will help newly elected or appointed Directors to understand the policies and procedures of the Board. To facilitate this process, new Directors will be provided with:

  • Washington State School Directors’ Association publications (e.g., Open Public Meetings and Conflict of Interest);
  • Goals for the school district and strategic plan, if developed;
  • Board policies and Board and Superintendent Procedures;
  • Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools, containing student rights and responsibilities;
  • Collective bargaining agreements;
  • District and School budget(s);
  • Financial status reports (most recent copies);
  • Minutes from Board legislative meetings (past year);
  • School Reports; and
  • Senior staff member job descriptions.

The Board president and the Superintendent or a designee will assist each new Director in the review of these materials and will review the role and function of the various senior administrators employed by the district. The orientation will include, as per district policy, how to: (1) arrange for visits of school or administrative offices; (2) request information regarding school operations; (3) respond to a complaint concerning a staff or program; and (4) handle confidential information.

In addition to scheduled Board meetings and work sessions, Directors will be encouraged to attend meetings, workshops and conferences to increase their knowledge and competencies.