2255 Alternative Learning Experience Schools or Programs
It is the policy of the Seattle School Board to allow schools or programs to operate as Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) programs, provided the schools or programs are annually approved by the School Board and that the school or program comply with all relevant ALE laws and regulations. This policy is distinct from policies covering Alternative Education because ALEs have a unique funding model and are governed by a legal statute.
The District has established the following schools or programs as alternative learning experience programs as defined in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 392-121-182:
District Supervision
The District designates the principal or program manager for each school or program to approve specific alternative learning experience programs or courses and monitor compliance with WAC 392-121-182.
Annual Report to the School Board
The Assistant Superintendent for Academics shall report annually to the District Board of Directors the following information for each alternative learning experience school or program listed above:
This policy will be annually reviewed by the Board.
The Superintendent is granted the authority to develop procedures to implement this policy.
Superintendent Procedure:
Policy Cross References:
Previous Policies:
Legal References:
Management Resources:
Last Board Review:
Adopted by the Board: