Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

3409 Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy

The district will develop and follow an individual health plan for each student with seizure disorder or epilepsy. Each individual health care plan will include an individual emergency plan element. The health plans will be updated annually, and more frequently as needed.

As required by RCW 28A.210.355, the Board designates the school nurse to consult and coordinate with the student’s parents and health care provider, and train and supervise the appropriate school district personnel in proper procedures for care for students with epilepsy or other seizure disorders to ensure a safe, therapeutic learning environment.

In addition to adhering to the requirements of each individual health care plan, for the general care of students with seizure disorder or epilepsy, the district will:

  1. Acquire necessary parent requests and instructions for treatment;
  2. Acquire monitoring and treatment orders from licensed health care providers prescribing within the scope of their licensed authority;
  3. Provide sufficient and secure storage for medical equipment and medication provided by the parent;
  4. Establish school policy exceptions necessary to accommodate students’ needs related to epilepsy or other seizure disorders, as described in the individual health plan;
  5. Ensure the development of individual emergency plans;
  6. Ensure the possession of legal documents for parent-designated adults (PDA) to provide care, if needed;
  7. Ensure each individual health plan is updated at least annually; and
  8. Ensure each student’s individual health care plan will be distributed to appropriate staff based on the student’s needs and the staff member’s contact with the student.

RCW 28A.210.350 provides that the district, its employees, agents, or parent-designated adults who act in good faith and in substantial compliance with a student’s individual health care plan and the instructions of the student’s health care provider will not be criminally or civilly liable for services provided under RCW 28A.210.355.

The Superintendent is authorized to develop procedures for the implementation of this policy. The definition and requirements for parent-designated adults are provided in state law and will be described in the procedure.