Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

4265 School and Community Partnerships

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board to create partnerships between Seattle Public Schools and the community. The Board believes it is vital to engage families and community members in the life of the school as a community center of learning. Therefore, the Board is committed to the creation and implementation of effective school-community partnerships that enhance academic outcomes by providing high-quality services and instruction before, after and during the school day.  Seattle Public Schools seeks to foster partnerships that further the District’s vision, mission, and goals. 

The Seattle School Board encourages schools to pursue partnerships that increase access to academic and non-academic supports such as: early learning, leadership and citizenry, fiscal literacy, the arts, social and emotional supports, health, college-readiness, tutoring, mentorship, vocational experiences and other areas that link to school and District goals. Partnerships may incorporate all segments of our community, including: families, social service providers, healthcare providers, institutions of higher education, the arts, civic and faith-based organizations, culturally-specific community based organizations, elected and appointed officials, and businesses, along with District leaders, staff, and students. Services and programs offered in partnership must be accessible and affordable to students, families, and the school community.  

  • Partnerships must be documented and partners must have the approval of the Principal in the schools in which they serve.  
  • Partnerships must have measureable outcomes related to the mission of SPS and individual school goals, which will be monitored through an annual reporting process and by sharing data, in accordance with federal and state law, to help improve outcomes for students 
  • When a school enters into a partnership agreement, it is incumbent on the principal and school staff to follow all District policies relating to partnership, including any policies on building usage and student safety. 
  • If the partnership is not demonstrating a substantial positive impact, or for other reasons is determined to be unsatisfactory, SPS reserves the right to terminate the partnership.  

Partnerships fall into different categories based on things such as the type or scope of programs and services offered by the partner to schools and students; the amount of contact time the partner has with students; the number of schools served; the degree to which the partner accesses district resources; and the type of data shared between the District and the partner.  The Superintendent is directed to develop a structure differentiating partners by category, including: a selection and approval process, decision making authority, accountability, and an annual review cycle. (Reference Superintendent Procedures) 

In certain instances the Board invites a deeper and more intensive partnership in schools where a Lead Partner is selected to work collaboratively with the principal, staff, community, and other partners in support of school and District goals.