Seattle Public Schools

February 7, 2024 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda – FINAL Post 2/7/24
Regular Legislative Session
Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 4:15 p.m.

Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134
Seattle Public Schools

The meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), Wave 26 (standard-def) and 695 (hi-def), and Century Link 8008 (standard-def) and 8508 (hi-def).

To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 700 282 078#. This phone number and Conference ID will also be used by those who sign up to provide public testimony through the process described on the Agenda below.

I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call

II. Acknowledgement and Announcement of District 2 and District 4 School Board Director Resignations

III. Superintendent Comments 

  • Black Lives Matter at School Week Proclamation
  • Acknowledgement of the C. David Hughbanks Donor Advised Fund Contribution to the Seattle Scholarship Fund

IV. Student Comments

V. Board Comments

VI. Public Testimony – 4:30 p.m.

Members of the public who wish to address the board in person or by teleconference may sign up online or by calling 206-252-0040, beginning Monday, February 5, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. The public testimony list will be posted Tuesday, February 6, 2024. Those who are placed on the posted public testimony list may provide their testimony by dialing 206-800-4125 and using Conference ID 700 282 078#. For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit the Board’s website.

Testimony List

1Milo ClarkEthnic Studies Courses
2Anya Souza-PonceBLM at School
3William Souza-PonceBLM at school
4Milana LeeStudent testimony – Decatur Elementary school
5Selah BurrowesBLM Week at school and liberatory courses
6Eros NelsonEthnic studies
7Leslie HarrisHughbanks Scholarship Bequest
8Chris JackinsAction Items/Other Topic
9Laura LehniGoal 1 – Literacy
10Claire AbeCounselor and social worker funding
11Aidan CarrollNative Education, Billy Frank, Educate about Gaza Genocide
12Chloe KimiaiMental health support in schools
13Sarah Sense WilsonIndian Education
14Fiona Berhaneethnic studies
15Julia Wilson-PeltierIndian Education
16Amelia AndresIndian Education
17Jon GreenbergBlack Lives Matter at School
18Katherine HansonFunding of school counselors at a 1:250 ratio, one social worker and agency therapists, as demanded by the Seattle Student Union
19M.C. NachtigalHigh school music participation and health class requirement, 2024SP, part ID5
20isaura jiménez guerraEthnic Studies
21Cherylynne CrowtherStudents with disabilities
22Jennifer MatterSafety in schools
23Jon EinkaufHCC program
24Kay FidlerEducation
25Enrico AbadescoKeeping and expanding Ethnic Studies

Testimony Waitlist

1Katie McAllisterDistrict accountability to policy
2Lena JonesEquity in Schools
3patrishaFilipinx US History
4Angelia Hicks-MaxieRanier Beach High School
5Bep ParkEthnic Studies
6Nolan JonesReading Outcomes
7Nanette JacksonResources for SPS High Schools
8Nica SySave Ethnic Studies!
9Dominic Rocco ApostolPreserving ethnic studies courses and filipinx american history.
10Meesh VecchioBudget
11Oliver MiskaEthnic Studies, BLM, and islamophobia
12Jazell JenkinsIndian Education
13Sharlyn SantiagoLiberatory courses
14Joseph DonohoeFunding for Ethnic Studies Courses
15Sally ShiEnsure Current HCC Schools Have Access to The Same Level of Resources
16Emmanuel Bailey MediloEthnic Studies
17Alex Wakeman RouseBoard member appointment process and Goal 1 Early Literacy
18Sebrena BurrBLM at School
19Abdulahi Zuber AbdiRainier Beach High School
20Tymmony KeeganBudget cuts and Black Studies
21Landyn ZyskowskiIndian Education
22Charles BosseThe future of HC and Differentiated Instruction in SPS
23Makena GadientBlack Lives Matter at School week.
24Marita McBride ZyskowskiNative Education
25Mike ZyskowskiBilly Frank Jr Day / Native Education
26Leyla AdamStudent Safety
27Sharif MohammedSchool grounds safety
28zabiba ademGun violence and student safety on school grounds.
29rahamastudent safety
30Ying Yuhow budget cut influence on students, parents and teachers
31Jeren RegalaFilipinx Studies Class (ethnic classes)
32Patricia PedersenEthnic Studies added to core classes
33layla hassanschool saftey
34amirah alischool safety

VII. Progress Monitoring

VIII. Business Action Items

A. Consent Agenda

Routine Approvals (Introduction & Action)

  1. Minutes of the January 17, 2024 Board Special Meeting and January 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
  2. Personnel Report
  3. Warrants Report – December 16, 2023 thru January 15, 2024

The following warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.08, are approved for payment:

FundPayment TypeAmount
General Fund  *Payroll$111,339.93
General Fund Vendor$24,837,124.81
Capital Project Fund Vendor$19,139,408.73
Associated Student Body Fund Vendor$92,010.90
Expendable Trust Fund Vendor$5,000.00
Grand Total All$44,184,884.37

*Note – Payroll total reflects warrants issued to employees.  It does not however, reflect cash transfer amounts in payment of employees’ Direct Deposit payroll.

Grants/Gifts, Contracts & Capital Projects Approvals (Introduction & Action)

  1. Acceptance of Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund Gift from the C. David Hughbanks Donor Advised Fund. Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the C. David Hughbanks Donor Advised Fund gift for the 2023-24 school year, which is anticipated to meet or exceed the $250,000 threshold for Board approval, and approve the acceptance of additional gifts for subsequent years, as applicable. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  2. Approval of Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funding for Preschool Services for the 2024–2025 School Year. Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept FEPP Levy grant funds from the City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) in an amount up to $12,832,616 for the 2024-25 school year to continue and expand operation of SPP classrooms, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions and enter into service agreements to accept the grant funds. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District. (Materials added 1/30/24)
  3. BEX V: Approval of Contract Modification No. 13 for Bassetti Architects on the Rainier Beach High School Replacement project. Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute Contract Modification No. 13 for Contract P1788 with Bassetti Architects on the Rainier Beach High School Replacement project in the amount of $728,865 with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary action to implement the contract modification. Immediate action is in the interest of the district.
  4. BEX V: Approval of Construction Change Order No.8 to Contract P5160 with Lydig Construction, Inc., for the Rainier Beach High School Replacement project. Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute Construction Change Order No. 8 with Lydig Construction, Inc., in the amount of $3,436,896.14, plus Washington State sales tax (WSST), with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary action by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary action to implement the change order. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  5. BEX V: Approval of the Constructability Report; Resolution No. 2023/24-3 certifying the Intent to Construct; and Resolution No. 2023/24-2 certifying 5-Year Use / 30-Year Building Life for the Alki Elementary School Addition and Modernization project. Approval of this item would approve the Constructability Report, by Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc., dated August 3, 2023, as complete, and approve Resolution Numbers 2023/24-2 and 2023/24-3 for the Alki Elementary School Addition and Modernization project. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district. (Resolutions updated 2/6/24)
  6. BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5190 with Good News Group, Inc., for the Acoustic Attenuation, Ceiling Fan & Paving Improvements at Beacon Hill International Elementary, Maple Elementary, and Salmon Bay K-8 Schools project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5190 with Good News Group, Inc., for the Acoustic Attenuation, Ceiling Fan & Paving Improvements at Beacon Hill International Elementary, Maple Elementary, and Salmon Bay K-8 Schools project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  7. BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5165 with Western Ventures Construction, Inc., for the Louisa Boren STEM K-8 HVAC Upgrades project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5165 with Western Ventures Construction, Inc., for the Louisa Boren STEM K-8 HVAC Upgrades project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  8. BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5195 with Oak Hills Construction, LLC, for the Columbia School Seismic & Fan Upgrades project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5195 with Oak Hills Construction, LLC, for the Columbia School Seismic & Fan Upgrades project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  9. BTA V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5124 with Harkness Construction LLC, for the Concord International Elementary School Ramp and Site Improvements project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5124 with Harkness Construction, LLC, for the Concord International Elementary School Ramp and Site Improvements as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district. 
  10. BTA IV/BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract K5124 with Milne Electric, Inc., for the Franklin High School Gym Building – Fire and Electrical Power Improvements project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract K5124 with Milne Electric, Inc., for the Franklin High School Gym Building – Fire and Electrical Power Improvements project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  11. BTA V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5189 with FieldTurf USA, Inc., for the Athletic Field Improvements at Ingraham High School project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5189 with FieldTurf USA, Inc., for the Athletic Field Improvements at Ingraham High School project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  12. BEX IV/BEX V/OSPI Distressed Schools Grant/Public Health – Seattle & King County: Final Acceptance of Contract P5162 with Reynolds General Contracting, Inc., for the Lowell Elementary School and Nova High School – School-Based Health Centers project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under P5162 with Reynolds General Contracting, Inc., for the Lowell Elementary School and Nova High School – School-Based Health Centers project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  13. BTA III/BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5133 with CDK Construction Services, Inc., for the McClure Middle School Seismic and Science Room Improvements project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5133 with CDK Construction Services, Inc., for the McClure Middle School Seismic and Science Room Improvements project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
  14. BTA V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5197 with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc., for the Laurelhurst Elementary School and North Queen Anne/Cascade Parent Partnership School Playground Replacement project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5197 with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc., for the Laurelhurst Elementary School and North Queen Anne/Cascade Parent Partnership School Playground Replacement project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.

B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

C. Introduction Items

  1. Annual Approval of Schools per WAC 180-16-220. Approval of this item would approve each school within the district, including those designated as Alternative Learning Experiences per WAC 392-121-182, and affirm that each has a Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that is data driven and promotes a positive impact on student learning as required by WAC 180-16-220.
  2. Amendment to Board Policy No. 1113, Board Member Residency. Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 1113, Board Member Residency, as attached to the Board Action Report. (Item added 2/2/24)

IX. Board Self-Evaluation

  • Board Time-Use Evaluation – January 2024 (Removed from agenda 1/31/24)

X. Informational Items

XI. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders

A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website.