Seattle Public Schools

May 23, 2018 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda  FINAL  Post
Regular Legislative Session
May 23, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134

I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Recognition
    • SPS Nurses – National Certification
    • Sub-Friendly Schools Awards

II. Student Presentations – 4:30 p.m.

  • Whitman Middle School – Student videos

III. Superintendent Comments – 4:45 p.m.

IV. Board Committee Reports

V. Student Comments – Franklin High School

VI. Business Action Items – 4:55 p.m.

A. Consent Agenda   

  1. Minutes of the May 1, 2018 Work Session , the May 7, 2018 Executive Session , and the May 9, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
  2. Warrants Report – April

April Warrants 

General Fund





Capital Project Fund



Associated Student Body



Expendable Trust AccountVendor$2,500.00

Grand Total


*Note – Payroll total reflects warrants issued to employees. It does not however, reflect cash transfer amounts in payment of employees’ Direct Deposit payroll.

B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

VII. Public Testimony – 5:30 p.m.


1. Ricky Bondoc

Franklin High School Student

2. Chris Jackins

Contract for Student Data Portal; Cleveland Field Lighting Project, Licton Springs K-8; Native American Educational Programming

3. Owen Richards

Student Rights and Responsbilities

4. Brian Terry

Equitable Access to Advanced Learning

5. Suzanne Mayer

Student Rights and Responsibilities and Corporal Punishment

6. Andy Jensen

Student Safety and SPS Policies #3244 and #5281

7. Shana Brown

Native parent arguing against Native focused K-12 High School
8. Sebrena BurrSchool leadership, ensuring a great principal in every building
9. Shenika RussellFamily Support Program
10. Shannon Crowley


Inequity of state mandated testing during the celebration of Ramadan 
11. Janine Roy


Support for the Queen Anne Elementary Addition approval 

VIII. Board Comments

IX. Business Action Items (Continued) – 6:30 p.m.

C. Action Items

  1. Approval for Contract Amendment with School Data Solutions for School-Based Implementation of MTSS Student Data Portal (RFP09615)   (C&I, April 17, for consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract amendment with School Data Solutions in the amount of $274,000 for the student data portal Homeroom, in the form of the Contract Amendment Dated March 28, 2018. 
  2. Approval of purchase of equipment from Black Box to replace existing voice network that supports desktop telephones and 5-year software and hardware support for $3,671,575.40  (Ops, April 5, for consideration) Approval of this item wouldapprove a 5-year contract for the Telephone System Upgrade with Black Box.
  3. Approval of successor collective bargaining agreement between Seattle School District No. 1 and International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 117 for September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020   (Exec, May 17, for approval) Approval of this item would initiate approval of the successor collective bargaining agreement negotiated between representatives of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local No. 117 and Seattle School District No. 1. This Agreement is for a three-year period commencing September 1, 2017 and ending August 31, 2020.  (This item is for introduction and action at this meeting.)
  4. Approval of Settlement Agreement with Lydig Construction, Inc. and Seahurst Electric, Inc. regarding the Hazel Wolf K-8 Project, and transfer of $325,000 plus Washington State Sales Tax from the Building Excellence (BEX) IV Levy Contingency fund for the Project  (Exec, May 17, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the settlement agreement with Lydig Construction and Seahurst Electric in the amount of $325,000 plus Washington State Sales Tax, and approves a budget transfer from BEX IV Levy program contingency to pay the settlement. (This item is for introduction and action at this meeting.) 

D. Introduction Items

  1. Approving Board Policy No. 3242, Open/Closed Campus, and repealing Board Policy D42.00, Student Access and Egress (Ops, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would repeal an older policy about open and closed campuses and adopt a new one with clarifying language changes, but would not call for a change in current practice.
  2. Approval of the2018-2019 Student Rights & Responsibilities  (C&I, May 15, for approval) Approval of this item wouldapprove the2018-2019 Student Rights & Responsibilitiesdocument.
  3. Approval of Annual Highly Capable Program Plan (C&I, May 15, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the District’s Highly Capable Program Plan, which must be approved every year per WAC 392-170-25 to receive state funding.(attachment added 5/22)
  4. City of Seattle Project Services Contract Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction/United States Department of Agriculture (OSPI/USDA) Summer Food Service Program (Ops, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would provide meal and delivery services to approximately 4,000 vulnerable youth during the summer, through an agreement with the City of Seattle.
  5. Approval of contracts for annual PowerSchool Maintenance and Support plus Online Registration Subscription (Ops, May 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would approve two separate contracts with PowerSchool for a total of $380,873.67. 
  6. Approval of contract for implementation services from LSI Consulting for HR’s Success Factors Recruiting/Onboarding project (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize execution of a contract with LSI Services in the amount of $385,000, for software implementation services and process redesign consulting.
  7. Renewal of Washington Schools Risk Management Pool coverage for fiscal year 2018-2019 (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would accept the proposed Washington Schools Risk Management Pool coverage agreement for the 2018-2019 fiscal year and that the expenditure of $2,556,556 in premium contributions to the WSRMP loss funding pool be authorized.
  8. Approval of Annual Head Start Grant (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would accept $4,647,138 in funding from the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) to operate Head Start services in the Seattle Public Schools (SPS) for federal fiscal year 2018-19.(Action report and budget projection attachment updated on 5/22)
  9. City of Seattle Families & Education Levy Funding for Seattle Public Schools for summer learning 2018 and the 2018-2019 School Year (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would accept $19,646,687 in grant funding from the City of Seattle’s Families & Education Levy.
  10. Acceptance of Screening and Brief Intervention and Referral to (SBIRT) services grant for the amount of $1,020,000 ($340,000 a year) through August 31, 2021 (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the School-Based Screening and Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment grant from King County in the amount of $1,020,000 ($340,000 a year) for the 3-year period from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2021.
  11. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Promoting Adolescent Health through School Based HIV Prevention Grant (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Promoting Adolescent Health through School Based HIV Prevention Grant for the amount of $1,790,425 ($358,085 a year) for 5 years, should the grant be awarded to Seattle Public Schools.
  12. Kids in the Middle grant from the Nesholm Family Foundation (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept theKids in the Middlegrant funds from the Nesholm Family Foundation, in the amount of $655,255 for the 2018-2019 school year.
  13. Approval of contracts for Special Education Related Services RFQ 05790 (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute contracts generated from agencies/providers approved through RFQ 05790, Related Services Agency Contracts forEducational Staff Associates (ESA),for a not-to-exceed total amount of $1,675,000 for the 2018-19 school year, based on yearly 2017-18 ESA Contract Totals.
  14. Approval of agreement with Seattle Children’s for Hospital-Based Educational Services (A&F, May 14, for approval) Approval of this item would approve a contract for $465,500 with Seattle Children’s Hospital to provide Hospital-Based Education Services.
  15. BTA IV/BEX IV: Approval of four actions related to the Daniel Bagley School Modernization and Addition project (Ops, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize a $10,000,000 budget transfer, a contract amendment, a resolution, and the GC/CM alternative construction delivery method for the Bagley Modernization and Addition project.
  16. BEX IV/BTA IV: Approval of the Site Specific Educational Specifications for the Daniel Bagley Elementary School Modernization and Addition project (Ops, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would provide the design teams with information about the program space required to support the education program of Daniel Bagley Elementary School.
  17. BTA IV: Award Contracts K5098, K5099, K5100, K5101 & K5102 for Athletic Field Lighting Projects at Ballard, Cleveland, Franklin and Roosevelt High Schools, and Robert Eagle Staff Middle School (Ops, May 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would award contracts with the King County Director’s Association (KCDA) with a total combined amount of $2,381,589 for the athletic field lighting projects at Ballard High School, Cleveland High School, Franklin High School, Roosevelt High School and Robert Eagle Staff Middle School.
  18. BEX IV: Award Construction Contract P5116, Bid No. B01839, to Rhine Demolition LLC for Wing Luke Elementary School Replacement Project Phase I  (Ops, May 10, for consideration) Approval of this item would provide authorization for the Superintendent to enter into a construction contract in the amount of $1,815,875, plus sales tax, for the Wing Luke Elementary School Replacement Project Phase I.
  19. BEX IV and BTA IV: Resolution 2017/18-13: Racial Imbalance Analysis for Lincoln High School Modernization Project (Ops, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would certify that the project will not create or aggravate racial imbalance.
  20. BTA III: Final Acceptance of Public Works Contract K5058 with Neeley Construction and Cabinet Co., for the Athletic Field Improvements at Franklin High School and Athletic Field Improvements and New Fire Sprinkler at Salmon Bay K-8 Project (Ops, May 10 for approval) Approval of this would give final acceptance of Public Works Contract K5058 with Neeley Construction and Cabinet Co., for the Athletic Field Improvements at Franklin High School and Athletic Field Improvements and New Fire Sprinkler at Salmon Bay K-8 project.
  21. BTA IV: Final Acceptance of Contract K5077 with Western Ventures Construction for the Garfield High School Roof Replacement project (Ops, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would approve final acceptance of Contract K5077 with Western Ventures Construction.

XI. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders 
A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board website. A paper copy of upcoming meetings will be provided at Board Meetings. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.