Seattle Public Schools

Board Meetings

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May 4, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the April 20, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
  • Personnel Report
  • Renaming and Amendment of Board Policy No. 3208, Sexual Harassment, and Adoption of Board Policy No. 5011, Sexual Harassment of Staff Prohibited

Introduction Items

  • Approval of Satterberg Foundation Elementary Feeder School Grant
  • Amend Yellow Wood Academy Contract for the 2021-22 School Year
  • Amendment of School Board Policy No. 2413, Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses
  • Adoption of K-5 Math Instructional Materials
  • Distressed School Grant: Approval of Budget Transfer for the Leschi Elementary School Four Classroom Addition project
  • BTA III: Final Acceptance of Contract K5111 with Wayne’s Roofing, Inc., for the Olympic View Elementary School Select Roof Repair & Replacement project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5132 with CDK Construction Services, Inc., for the Whitman Middle School Seismic Improvement project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5161 with M.J. Takisaki, Inc. for the Roxhill Building Seismic Improvements project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5168 with Premier Field Development for the Athletic Field Improvements at the Hazel Wolf K-8 School project
  • BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5169-BR with Buell Recreation for the BEX V Playground Projects at Gatewood & John Hay Elementary Schools
  • BEX V Final Acceptance of Contract P5169-PNW with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc. for the BEX V Playground Project at View Ridge Elementary School

This event has passed

( posted on : April 29, 2022 )


April 20, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the March 23, 2022 Board Special Meeting and April 6, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
  • Warrants Report – March
  • Amendment to Board Policy No. 5410, Holidays, and Approval of the agreements with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302, Teamsters Local 117, Teamsters Local 174, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers No. 160, Local 289, Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, PASS, Seattle King County Trades Council and Seattle Education Association (SAEOP and Paraprofessionals who are 260 work day employees), adding Juneteenth as a paid holiday to the parties’ collective bargaining agreements
  • Amendment to Board Policy No. 6896, Drinking Water Quality and Access, and Repeal of Board Procedure 6896BP, Drinking Water Quality and Access Procedure
  • BEX V/BTA IV/BEX IV: Recommendation to Extend Contract Terms and Amend Contract Amounts for Furniture Procurement for 2022-2023, Bid numbers B01834 and B05866
  • BEX V: Resolution 2021/22-16: Approval of General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) Delivery Method and Award GC/CM Contract P5184 to Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc., for the Asa Mercer International Middle School Replacement project
  • BTA IV: Final Acceptance of Contract K5073 with BNBuilders, Inc., for the Webster School Modernization and Addition project

Introduction Items

  • Renaming and Amendment of Board Policy No. 3208, Sexual Harassment, and Adoption of Board Policy No. 5011, Sexual Harassment of Staff Prohibited

This event has passed

( posted on : April 15, 2022 )


April 6, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the February 28, 2022 Board Special Meeting, March 10, 2022 Board Special Meeting, March 11, 2022 Board Special Meeting, and March 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
  • Personnel Report

Action Items

  • Approval of closure of three instructional program sites for Interagency Academy School
  • Approval of Additional OSPI Emergency School Waiver Application

Introduction Items

  • Amendment to Board Policy No. 5410, Holidays, and Approval of the agreements with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302, Teamsters Local 117, Teamsters Local 174, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers No. 160, Local 289, Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, PASS, Seattle King County Trades Council and Seattle Education Association (SAEOP and Paraprofessionals who are 260 work day employees), adding Juneteenth as a paid holiday to the parties’ collective bargaining agreements
  • Amendment to Board Policy No. 6896, Drinking Water Quality and Access, and Repeal of Board Procedure 6896BP, Drinking Water Quality and Access Procedure
  • BEX V/BTA IV/BEX IV: Recommendation to Extend Contract Terms and Amend Contract Amounts for Furniture Procurement for 2022-2023, Bid numbers B01834 and B05866
  • BEX V: Resolution 2021/22-16: Approval of General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) Delivery Method and Award GC/CM Contract P5184 to Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc., for the Asa Mercer International Middle School Replacement project
  • BTA IV: Final Acceptance of Contract K5073 with BNBuilders, Inc., for the Webster School Modernization and Addition project

This event has passed

( posted on : April 1, 2022 )


March 16, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the March 1, 2022 Board Special Meeting, March 2, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, and March 4, 2022 Board Special Meeting
  • Warrants Report – February 2022
  • Approval of two Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) between the Seattle School District No. 1 (District) and Seattle Education Association (SEA)
  • Approval of Disciplinary Appeal Council Appointees
  • Approval of Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funding for Preschool Services for the 2022 – 2023 School Year
  • Amending Policy No. 3115, Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights & Services, and renaming it Students Experiencing Homelessness: Enrollment Rights and Services
  • Amend Board Policy No. 3116, Students in Out-of-Home (Foster) Care, and rename it Dependent Students (Foster Care)
  • Adoption of School Board Policy No. 2194, Rigorous High School Course Enrollment
  • Adoption of Board Policy No. 3225, School-Based Threat Assessment; Amendment and Renaming of Board Policy No. 3143, Notification and Dissemination of Information About Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm; and Repeal of Board Policy No. 4314, Notification of Threats of Violence and Harm
  • City of Seattle Families, Education, Preschool & Promise Levy Funding for Middle School Out of School Programs, Transportation and Middle School Athletics for the 2021-22 through 2025-26 School Years
  • BTA III/BEX IV/BEX V/SCAP: Award Architectural & Engineering Contract P1939 to DLR Group for the Montlake Modernization and Addition project
  • BEX IV: Approval of Budget Transfer to the Eckstein Middle School Science Classrooms Improvement project
  • BEX V: Approval of Budget Transfer to the West Seattle Elementary School Renovation and Addition project
  • BEX V: Approval of Budget Transfer and Authorization for the Superintendent to Execute the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for the Van Asselt School Addition project
  • BTA III: Final Acceptance of Contract K5118 with Good News Group, Inc. for the Adams Elementary School Fire Sprinkler Upgrade project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5126 with Reynolds General Contracting, Inc., for the Seismic Improvements at Beacon Hill, Maple, and Whitworth-Orca K-8 Schools project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5125 with Lincoln Construction, Inc., for the Broadview-Thomson K-8 Seismic Improvement project

Action Items

  • Approval of OSPI Emergency School Waiver Applications

This event has passed

( posted on : March 11, 2022 )


March 2, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the February 9, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, February 16, 2022 Board Special Meeting, February 17, 2022 Board Special Meeting, and February 23, 2022 Board Special Meeting
  • Personnel Report

Introduction Items

  • Approval of two Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) between the Seattle School District No. 1 (District) and Seattle Education Association (SEA)
  • Approval of Disciplinary Appeal Council Appointees
  • Approval of Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funding for Preschool Services for the 2022 – 2023 School Year
  • Amending Policy No. 3115, Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights & Services, and renaming it Students Experiencing Homelessness: Enrollment Rights and Services
  • Amend Board Policy No. 3116, Students in Out-of-Home (Foster) Care, and rename it Dependent Students (Foster Care)
  • Adoption of School Board Policy No. 2194, Rigorous High School Course Enrollment
  • Adoption of Board Policy No. 3225, School-Based Threat Assessment; Amendment and Renaming of Board Policy No. 3143, Notification and Dissemination of Information About Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm; and Repeal of Board Policy No. 4314, Notification of Threats of Violence and Harm
  • City of Seattle Families, Education, Preschool & Promise Levy Funding for Middle School Out of School Programs, Transportation and Middle School Athletics for the 2021-22 through 2025-26 School Years
  • BTA III/BEX IV/BEX V/SCAP: Award Architectural & Engineering Contract P1939 to DLR Group for the Montlake Modernization and Addition project
  • BEX IV: Approval of Budget Transfer to the Eckstein Middle School Science Classrooms Improvement project
  • BEX V: Approval of Budget Transfer to the West Seattle Elementary School Renovation and Addition project
  • BEX V: Approval of Budget Transfer and Authorization for the Superintendent to Execute the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for the Van Asselt School Addition project
  • BTA III: Final Acceptance of Contract K5118 with Good News Group, Inc. for the Adams Elementary School Fire Sprinkler Upgrade project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5126 with Reynolds General Contracting, Inc., for the Seismic Improvements at Beacon Hill, Maple, and Whitworth-Orca K-8 Schools project
  • BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Contract P5125 with Lincoln Construction, Inc., for the Broadview-Thomson K-8 Seismic Improvement project

This event has passed

( posted on : February 25, 2022 )


February 9, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the January 19, 2022 Board Special Meeting and January 26, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
  • Personnel Report
  • Warrants Report – January 2022
  • Approval to repair and perform roof coating restoration of the low slope roofs at Whitman Middle School, Washington Middle School, Lowell Elementary and Decatur Elementary Schools during spring/summer 2022
  • Approval of the Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2022-23
  • BEX V: Award Architectural & Engineering Contract P1952 to Mahlum Architects for the Alki Elementary School Modernization and Addition project
  • BEX V: Award Architectural & Engineering Contract P1953 to DLR Group, Inc. for the John Rogers Elementary School Replacement project
  • BEX IV Resolution 2021/22-14: Acceptance of the Final Building Commissioning Report for the Wing Luke Elementary School project

Action Items

  • Approval of the Amended 2021-22 Superintendent Evaluation Documents

This event has passed

( posted on : February 4, 2022 )


January 26, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the December 8, 2021 Board Special Meeting, January 5, 2022 Board Special Meeting, and January 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
  • Warrants Report – December

Action Items

  • Adoption of School Board Resolution No. 2021/22-15, declaring that the lives of Black students matter, as well as the lives of all of our underserved students; that we affirm the demands of the Black Lives Matter At School Movement, and that we encourage participation district-wide in the national Black Lives Matter At School Week from January 31 – February 4, 2022 and Year of Purpose 2021-22

Introduction Items

  • Approval to repair and perform roof coating restoration of the low slope roofs at Whitman Middle School, Washington Middle School, Lowell Elementary and Decatur Elementary Schools during spring/summer 2022
  • Approval of the Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2022-23
  • BEX V: Award Architectural & Engineering Contract P1952 to Mahlum Architects for the Alki Elementary School Modernization and Addition project
  • BEX V: Award Architectural & Engineering Contract P1953 to DLR Group, Inc. for the John Rogers Elementary School Replacement project
  • BEX IV Resolution 2021/22-14: Acceptance of the Final Building Commissioning Report for the Wing Luke Elementary School project

This event has passed

( posted on : January 21, 2022 )


January 12, 2022 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the December 15, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
  • Personnel Report
  • Approval of Courses with New Content as Defined by Superintendent Procedure 2026SP
  • BEX V: Approval of Budget Transfer and Authorization for the Superintendent to Execute the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for the Lincoln High School Phase 2 Project
  • BEX IV/BTA IV/OSPI K-3 Class Size Reduction Grant: Resolution 2021/22-5, Final Acceptance of Contract P5177 with Lydig Construction, Inc., for the Daniel Bagley Elementary School Modernization and Addition project

Action Items

  • Acceptance of Learn To Return (L2R) Labor Support Fund grant for 2021-22

This event has passed

( posted on : January 7, 2022 )


December 15, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting

Budget Work Session

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the November 10, 2021 Board Special Meeting, November 30, 2021 Board Special Meeting, and December 1, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
  • Warrants Report – November

Action Items

  • Approval of the renewal “Teacher Diversity Contract” between the City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) and Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to diversify the educator workforce
  • Approval of an update to the 2021-22 School Year Calendar
  • Partial Waiver of Board Policy No. 2415, High School Graduation Requirements, to Suspend Service Learning Requirement for Students Graduating in 2022

Introduction Items

  • Approval of Courses with New Content as Defined by Superintendent Procedure 2026SP
  • BEX V: Approval of Budget Transfer and Authorization for the Superintendent to Execute the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for the Lincoln High School Phase 2 Project
  • BEX IV/BTA IV/OSPI K-3 Class Size Reduction Grant: Resolution 2021/22-5, Final Acceptance of Contract P5177 with Lydig Construction, Inc., for the Daniel Bagley Elementary School Modernization and Addition project

This event has passed

( posted on : December 10, 2021 )


December 1, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of the November 15, 2021 Board Special Meeting and November 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
  • Personnel Report
  • Classified Mentorship Program Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  • Amendment and renaming of Board Policy No. 1822, Training & Professional Development for Board Members/Participation in School Directors’ Association; amendment of Board Policy No. 1112, Board Member Orientation; and repeal of Board Policy No. 1805, Open Government Trainings
  • Acceptance of Seattle University grant funding for the 2021 – 2022 school year for the central Seattle school and neighborhood network
  • Annual Approval of Schools per WAC 180-16-220

Election of Officers – Election of the Board Officers: President, Vice President, and Member-at-Large

This event has passed

( posted on : November 24, 2021 )
