Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

October 4, 2017 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda FINAL
Regular Legislative Session
October 04, 2017, 4:15 p.m.

Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134

I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Recognition

II. Student Presentations – 4:30 p.m.

III. Superintendent’s Comments – 4:45 p.m.

IV. Student Comments – West Seattle High School

V. Business Action Items – 4:55 p.m.

A. Consent Agenda    

  1. Minutes of the September 13, 2017 Work Session and the September 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
  2. Personnel Report
  3. Amending Board Policy No. 3432, Emergencies (Ops, Sept. 7, for consideration) – Approval of this item would make edits to Policy No. 3432, Emergencies, to comply with revisions to state law and current best practices.(attachment edited)
  4. Elevator Maintenance and Repair Contract Extension  (Ops, Sept. 7, for approval) – Approval of this item would extend the elevator maintenance and repair contract with ELTEC for the 2017-18 school year for the amount of $284,200.
  5. Approval of property sale of 315 square feet for the South Lander Street Grade Separation Right of Way  (Ops, Sept. 7, for approval) – Approval of this item would allow for the sale of 315 square feet of land to the City of Seattle for the South Lander Street Grade Separation project.
  6. BTA III & BEX IV: Final Acceptance of Public Works Contract K5059 with Western Ventures Construction, Inc., for the Seismic, Green Energy and Re-roofing Adams Elementary School Project (Ops, Sept. 7, for approval) – Approval of this item would approve the Final Acceptance of Public Works Contract K5059 with Western Ventures Construction Inc., for the Seismic, Green Energy and Re-roofing at Adams Elementary School project, for purposes of avoiding disputes concerning the timing of the filing of liens prior to the release of retainage bond.

B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

VI. Public Testimony – 5:30 p.m.



Tai’Jon Glover

West Seattle High School


Chris Jackins

Property Sale for S. Lander Street Right-of-Way; Wing Luke Elementary Project; Levy Planning


Valerie Cooper

New Property Acquisition, Fort Lawton, School Capacity Planning


Misty Jackson-Nau

Fort Lawton EIS


Megan Burke

Capacity and Fort Lawton Planning


Lisa Evans

Fort Lawton EIS


Natasha Boswell

Fort Lawton


Andrea Peterman

Equitable Access to Advanced Learning
9. Brian Terry Equitable Access to Advanced Learning 
10.  Chandra HampsonAdvanced Learning 
11.  Katherine PouxEquitable Access to Advanced Learning 
12.  Robin SchwartzConcord International Elementary School 
13.  Hilary JaureguiConcord International Elementary School
14.  Sara CoulterCapacity Issues QA/Magnolia 
15.  Anne SheeranSpecial Education Access Model High School Rollout
 16. Sebrena BurrWelcoming Environments and Family Engagement (Shared Governance) 

VII. Board Comments

VIII. Business Action Items (Continued) – 6:30 p.m.

C. Action Items

  1. Adopting new School Board Policy No. 4218, Speakers of Diverse Languages  (Exec, Sept. 12, for approval) – Approval of this item would adopt a new policy to fulfill the rights of parents/guardians to access information about the education of their child in a language they can understand.
  2. Approval of a One-Year Extension to the Strategic Plan  (Exec, Sept. 12, for approval) – Approval of this item would extend the district’s 2013-18 strategic plan for one year through the end of the 2018-19 school year.(10/2: action report edited)
  3. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) Grant Approval  (C&I, Sept. 12, for approval) – Approval of this item would accept a grant that would provide $275,000 for the STAR Mentor Program to continue 2nd year teacher support, fund an additional STAR Mentor, and support the implementation of the Peer Assistance and Review Project.
  4. Rainier Beach School Improvement Grant (SIG) Year 4 Funding  (A&F, Sept. 11, for approval) – Approval of this item would accept the School Improvement Grant totaling $1,116,623 for the 2017-2018 school year at Rainier Beach High School.(action report edited)
  5. Resolution 2017/18-6 – Immediate Request to the City of Seattle (City) to incorporate Seattle Public Schools (SPS) uses as alternatives to be considered in the Fort Lawton Redevelopment Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)  – Approval of this item would adopt a Board resolution requesting inclusion of Seattle Public Schools uses as alternatives to be considered in the City of Seattle’s Fort Lawton redevelopment planning process and EIS.(10/3: this item has been added for introduction and action at this meeting)

D. Introduction Items

Approval of the Superintendent’s Professional Practice goal and rubric for 2017-18
(Exec, Aug. 24, for consideration) – Approval of this item would adopt a professional practice goal for the superintendent.(10/3: this item was removed from the agenda as supporting attachments were not completed in time for introduction)

IX. Executive Session: To Consider the Selection of a Site or the Acquisition of Real Estate by Lease or Purchase – This session will begin at the conclusion of the regular Board meeting and last approximately 20 minutes. The legislative session will reconvene at the conclusion of the executive session to adjourn the meeting if there is no further business before the Board. No action will be taken as a result of the executive session.

X. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders

A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board website at this link: School Board. A paper copy of upcoming meetings will be provided at Board Meetings. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.