Seattle Public Schools


Public Records Requests

SPS Public Record Requests

How to Request Public Records

All Public Records requests must be directed to the Public Records Officers. The Public Records Officers may be contacted in any of the following ways:

By email:

By mail:
Seattle Public Schools
Mail Stop 32-151
P.O. Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98134-1165

By fax: 206-252-0111

In person:
Requests may be made in person during regular business hours by delivering a written request to the Seattle Public Schools Security Office in the lobby of the John Stanford Center, 2445 3rd Avenue South, Seattle WA 98124.

Oral requests may be made by phone at 206-252-0110, or in person by appointment. Appointments can be requested by email, or by phone at 206-252-0110.

Requestors are encouraged to use the Public Records Request Form linked below. Please include detailed information about your request.

Public Records Request Form

Staff or Student Directory

If you are requesting lists of staff, please complete and sign the Declaration for Non-Commercial Use of List of Names Form and submit it along with your request to our Public Records Officers.

If you are requesting lists of students or Directory Information, please complete and sign the Directory Information Request Form and submit it along with your request to our Public Records Officers.

Special Education Records (IEP/504)

To obtain student-specific special education records, please contact the Special Education Department. Please make special education records requests via phone, fax, or email:

Phone or Fax: 206-252-0895

Health Records

To obtain student-specific health records please contact the Health Services Department. Please make health records requests via phone or email:

Phone: 206-252-0763 or 206-252-0750

Transcripts/Diplomas/Graduation Verification

If you are a former student requesting your transcript, diploma, graduation verification, or academic history, please do so on the Student Records Request site located Student Records Request.

Fees for Records Requests

The District has adopted the statutory Fee Schedule for public records requests and may charge as follows:

  • In-person review of documents – No cost
  • Photocopies of public records – $0.15/page
  • Electronic copies of records that exist in hard copy only – $0.10/page
  • Electronic documents – $0.05 per every four electronic files or attachments uploaded to email, cloud-based data storage service, or other means of electronic delivery (this means $1.00 for every 80 items. For example, an installment of 60 emails with 20 attachments total would equal 80 items total for $1.00).
  • Transmission of public records in an electronic format – $0.10 per every 1 GB
  • Postage and media – Actual costs incurred by the District
  • Customized services – Actual costs, in addition to fees for copies specified above

For further information on charges, please see Superintendent Procedure 4040SP.

Policies, Procedures, and Exemptions

Information about the Disclosure of Public Records Policy and Procedure is available in the following SPS documents. 

View a list of other statute exemptions outside of RCW 42.56.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to help! Please review the FAQ below. For any additional questions please contact us at

No. The Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act (FERPA) outlines a separate process for parents and students to obtain student educational records. To obtain your own student records you must be at least eighteen.

You can obtain student records in several ways:

  • Directly through the school by contacting the school’s administration;
  • Through Special Education Records via email at where a student is a Special Education student;
  • Through the General Counsel’s Office by contacting employee Ayrian Hastings via email at; or
  • Online at the District’s Student Archives site for students that have been out of the District for more than two years.

The District provides records electronically unless requested in a different format by the requestor. Where small enough, the District provides records via email. When records exceed the size allowed by email, we will place the records on a CD or flash drive for pick up or mailing.

The law requires requestors to make requests for “identifiable” records. To the extent possible, we recommend providing as much detail as possible when making a records request to ensure that we find what you are seeking. Date ranges, keywords if requesting an email search, document names, and any other descriptive terms are all helpful in ensuring we find responsive items.

For example: A requestor is interested in documentation regarding a playground incident that occurred at their neighborhood school and that involved a specific staff member. Their request for all records from/to Employee A using the search term “playground incident” for the time period 1/1/18 to 8/31/18 will result in fewer, but more responsive items that can be provided more quickly to the requestor than if they were to ask for all emails District-wide using the search term “playground incident.”

If you have questions regarding how/what to provide, we are happy to help! You can reach us for further clarification or help at

No. Public records requests are, themselves, public records. Unless otherwise protected by the law, a requestor’s identity and information they have provided to the District (including emails, phone numbers, and home mailing addresses) are disclosable.

Most requests will not be fulfilled within five business days. Under the law, the District must acknowledge a request for records within 5 business days in one of the following ways:

  • by providing the records;
  • by providing a reasonable estimate of when the records, or an installment of records, will be available;
  • by asking for clarification and, where possible, providing an estimate of when the records will be available; or
  • by denying the request.

On average, requests received by the District take longer than five business days to fulfill. As such, most requestors will receive an acknowledgment and an anticipated timeline for providing records in our initial five-day response to their request.

We appreciate that requestors would like to receive their documents as quickly as possible and do everything to provide records in a prompt manner. That said, there are a variety of factors that affect how quickly we can provide records. The most common factors are:

  • Number of open requests: Over the past several years, the District has averaged approximately 80 open requests at any given time. As such, the turnaround time for new requests is generally several weeks to several months out from the date of receipt.
  • Complexity of the request: Records requests, particularly those involving emails from/to staff members that work with students, can be quite complex. The Public Records Office must review each document individually to ensure protected information is properly redacted or exempted from release. Due to this review, it takes a significant amount of time to review complex requests.
  • Courtesy provided to staff: The Public Records Office provides courtesy notice to staff, including the name of the requestor, when that staff member’s records have specifically been requested. The Public Records Office then gives staff several days to ask questions or raise concerns prior to the release of their records.

The Public Records Office is staffed by two employees who work only part-time on public records requests. We receive hundreds of requests every year, most with multiple questions. That number is growing in both volume and complexity.

Although every effort is made to answer requests as soon as possible, the Public Records Officers have to juggle gathering and review of records with other important District tasks. The process of locating and gathering records is a manual one, and each gathered record must be carefully inspected for confidential or protected information before release.

The best thing you can do to expedite receipt of requested records is to be very specific about what you want—giving a narrow date range and detailed description of the records you want will help the Public Records Officers quickly locate them and cut down on the time it takes to review unnecessary or unresponsive records.

To appeal the denial of your request, the search or production of your request, or items withheld in your request, you may submit an appeal in writing to the District.

You can do so via email by emailing our office at You may also submit an appeal via regular mail at the following address:

Public Records Office Office of the General Counsel
MS 32-151
P.O. Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98124-1165

Within your appeal, please include:

  • A copy of the redacted document (if applicable)
  • the District correspondence denying your request (if applicable)
  • A brief statement identifying the reason for your appeal

The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”) governs parental rights of access to educational records and protects a student’s privacy interests in his or her education records.

FERPA gives parents the right to inspect and review their children’s education records, the right to seek to have those records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of information from those records.

Contact Robin Wyman,, or Amy Carter,, to obtain copies of special education records.