Seattle Public Schools

Advanced Learning

Frequently Asked Questions

Highly Capable (HC) Program

Students in grades 1-8 are identified for HC services through the Universal Screening process. This process includes a holistic evaluation using students’ existing and available data. More details can be found on the Advanced Learning webpage.

Families of eligible students rising to grades 2-5 in the 2025-26 school year (grades 1-4 in the 2024-25 school year) can choose between: 

  • Enrolling in the HC cohort pathway school. 
  • Receiving HC services at their neighborhood school. 

Families of eligible students who wish to enroll in the HC cohort pathway must complete a school choice application by Saturday, May 31. The application is available through The Source or the SPS enrollment website. For assistance, families can contact the Admissions office at (206) 252-0760 or

Each school has a plan to support HC students through their Continuous School Improvement Plans (C-SIPs). These plans outline how schools will provide appropriately challenging learning experiences. 

Educators will receive training on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and Restorative Practices to better support all students, including students eligible for HC services.

The HC Hybrid Model allows eligible students’ families to choose between receiving HC services through the existing HC cohort pathway or at their neighborhood school. This approach provides flexibility to meet diverse learning needs. 

Yes, SPS will continue offering the HC Hybrid Model.

All students enrolled in the HC cohort can remain through fifth grade, including second-grade students who enter during the 2027-28 school year. This means a student entering the program in 2027-28 will continue in the cohort until the end of their fifth-grade year.

During this time, the district will evaluate its effectiveness based on student outcomes and community feedback. 

Over the next three years (2025-28), SPS will review the hybrid model based on data, student needs, and feedback from families, educators, and the community. 

SPS will hold listening sessions to gather feedback on the HC program. A schedule of these sessions will be released soon. 

An update on the HC program was presented at the March 12 School Board meeting. The district will share additional details when they become available.