Seattle Public Schools

Business and Finance

Risk Management

Risk Management Vision and Mission

“Our best in the classroom every day, focused on teaching and learning.”

Risk Management identifies risks to the achievement of Seattle Public Schools’ strategic objectives and assists district leaders at all levels to develop effective strategies for mitigating the risks they own.

Student Safety

Risk Management partners with our schools to assist in improving safety for students, staff, and visitors. We work with the school-based safety committees to help them address hazards they identify and provide access to safety training resources. We are also glad to participate with them as they conduct their periodic safety inspections.

Some of our most effective school safety committees include active participation from other members of the school community. If you have special expertise or interest in safety committee work, please let your school know or contact your school’s safety partner.

Members of our team serve as resources in other areas of environmental health and safety, including indoor air quality, drinking water quality, lead, asbestos, and hazardous chemicals.

Transportation Safety

Risk Management participates in the City of Seattle’s School Traffic Safety Committee, alongside representatives of the Seattle Department of Transportation, Seattle Police Department, and community volunteers.

The committee publishes the recommended walk route maps for elementary schools and annually reviews any changes that may be needed. Where there are concerns, we review the situation and make recommendations using the tools of education, enforcement, engineering, and encouragement.

If there are pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicle traffic safety concerns at your school that you would like the committee to review, please let us know by emailing

Student Insurance

Seattle Public Schools makes available a student accident insurance program that can be tailored to your family’s needs.

The basic coverage will help with the medical bills from an accident that happens at school or during after-school activities, including all athletic programs (except high school football).

There are options available for 24-hour accident coverage, student health insurance coverage, and varsity football coverage.

Visit the Myers-Stevens website for the available plans and an enrollment form. If you have further questions, please contact for information.

Drinking Water Quality

Learn more about our Drinking Water Quality Program.

Field Trip Procedure

Please find field trip procedures