Seattle Public Schools

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Graduation Requirements

Seattle Public Schools Graduation Requirements

Students in the Class of 2021 and beyond must earn 24 credits to graduate. The new graduation requirements are mandated by the Washington State Board of Education. The board designed the new requirements to be both rigorous and flexible, and to support the vision of an education system that prepares all students for college, career, and life.

  • 24 Credits Minimum See breakdown of specific credits on page two of this bulletin. The credit requirements are minimums both in terms of total credits required for graduation and for credits in the various subject areas.
  • Graduation Pathway: In the classes of 2020-27, students must meet at least one of these pathway options to graduate:
    • English Language Arts and Mathematics Pathway – Using either Exams scores or Courses as approved by the State Board of Education, or a combination of the approved exams and courses.
    • CTE Sequence: Complete a 2-credit sequence of courses in a pre-approved Seattle Career Pathway, which leads to a recognized career certificate or allows students to earn dual credit.
    • Military Pathway: successful completion of the Armed Services Vocational Battery for students interested in military careers.
  • High School and Beyond Plan: The State of Washington requires all students to create a High School and Beyond Plan. Seattle Public Schools expects students entering grade 8 to begin to develop a 5-year plan including 4 years of high school courses, resume, post high school career and college goals. The plan should be updated over time as the student develops high school plans. School counselors, staff and parents help students develop their individual plans. More information about High School and Beyond.
  • Service Learning: Seattle Public Schools requires students to complete 60 hours of service learning before graduation. Students who have not attended Seattle schools for all four years will be responsible for 15 hours of service per year enrolled.

Service Learning at Seattle Public Schools

Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy (pedagogy), adhering to the K-12 High Quality Service Learning Practice Standards and Indicators, which connects learning (classroom and community) to real world issues and meeting community needs.

Service Learning projects which meet academic standards, civic, character, or leadership learning goals through hands on, relevant, and relational service, in collaboration with the community, build the capacity for empowered youth to be active and engaged citizens and the change they want to see and can be! Ready for College, Career, and Life!

Creating Connections

To connect key stakeholders in community based organizations and schools to facilitate high quality service learning opportunities that meet real community needs. Promoting and supporting a common definition of service learning, advocating its integration into K-12 teaching strategies and curriculum, and implementing common assessments and data collection for reporting school and community impacts.

Students may pick up Service Learning Hour and Reflection Forms from the School Counselor. Once complete, student may turn it in to the school main office or counseling office staff. 

Service Learning Form and Reflection 

24 Credit Graduation Requirement video

District Guides for Course Registration

The following documents provide an introduction to the Seattle Public Schools course registration process. They are designed to assist you in making informed, educational decisions in preparation for your future and to complement the information you receive from your high school.

High School

Middle School

Graduation Requirements Class of 2027

English – 4 Credits
  • Introduction to Literature & Composition 9
  • World Literature & Composition 10
  • American Literature & Composition 11, Ethnic Studies Lit and Comp 11, African, Asian, Latinx, or Native American Lit & Comp 11, AP Language, IB Lang & Lit 11, or Running Start/College in the High School English
  • Comparative Literature & Composition 12, AP Literature, IB Lang 12, or Running Start/College In the High School English
Social Studies – 3 Credits
  • World History 1
  • World History 2, Ethnic Studies WH 2, AP World History 1, or AP Human Geo A
  • World History 3, Ethnics Studies World History 3, AP World History 2, or AP Human Geo B
  • U.S. History, or Ethnic Studies US History, IB History of the Americas, AP US History, CIHS AES 151, or CIHS 147 & 148
  • American Government, IB 20th Century, AP US Government & Politics
  • Washington State History
Mathematics – 3 Credits
  • Algebra 1
  • Geometry   
  • Algebra 2, IB Math SL Year 1, Financial Algebra, CIHS Bus 130, Math 107, Modeling our World, a more advanced course in the math sequence, or an approved CTE math course.
Science – 3 Credits
  • Phys A/Chem A
  • Biology
  • Phys B/Chem B or Select from approved core course offerings or OSPI approved equivalent career and technical education (CTE) courses.
Career Connected Learning(CTE) – 1.0 Credits
  • Select from approved course offerings.  CTE credits may be earned in Exploratory or Preparatory CTE classes and certain approved non-CTE courses. CTE graduation pathway courses must be in a single program of study or a pre-approved career pathway. For more information contact CTE.
Physical Education – 1.5 Credits
  • Personal Fitness
  • Select from approved course offerings.
Health – .5 Credits
Visual or Performing Arts – 1.0 to 2.0 Credits
  • Select from approved course offerings.

    1.0 credits may be a part of the personalized pathway requirement. The PP may change overtime based on the students educational or career goals in the High School and Beyond.
Personal Pathway Requirement (World Languages, Combinations of courses that meet career goals.)- 2.0 to 3.0 Credits
  • Select from approved course offerings.

    Personal Pathway are courses that lead to a specific post-high school educational or career goal chosen by the student. Personal pathway may change over time.

    World Languages are recommended for students planning on attending a 2 or 4-year college or university for admissions purposes. These may be taken as a part of the personal pathway or elective credits.
Electives – 4.0 Credits
  • Elective credits are any courses not listed as part of the core courses listed above. Example: 4th credit of math or science, 3rd credit of world language.
Total- 24 Credits

Students must complete at least one Graduation Pathway but are encouraged to complete as many as align with their career and educational goals.

ELA + Math Pathway ELA OptionsELA + Math Pathway Math OptionsCareer & Technical PathwayMilitary Pathway
ELA + Math Pathway
Must pass one ELA
and one Math option.
N/ACareer & Technical PathwayMilitary Pathway
English OptionsMath OptionsN/AFor students who are interested in a career in the military.
SBA ELA(2548) or​WA-AIM(104)  or​SAT(410) or​ACT (14) Score ​or​ SBA Math(2595) or​WA-AIM(103) or​SAT(430) or​ACT(16) Score ​or​ 2.0 Credits in one OSPI CTE Program AreaTake the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery with a Score of 31 or higher
Running Start – English or ​CIHS – English or​ Bridge to College English with a D or higher​ or​ Running Start – Math or​ CIHS –Math or​ Bridge to College Math with a D or higher​ or​ Agriculture Science
Business & Marketing
Family & Consumer Sciences
Health Sciences
Skilled & Technical Sciences
1 Credit of any of the following:
AP Lang and Comp
​AP Economics​
AP Psychology
​AP US History
​AP World History 
​AP US Govt and Politics
​AP Comp Govt and Politics​ or
IB Individuals and Societies or
IB English Language/Literature courses
with a C+ or higher​ (or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)
1.0 Credit of any of the following:
AP Statistics​
AP Computer Science A​
AP Computer Science Principles​ AP Calculus
​Any IB Math Course
​with a C+ or higher​ (or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)


High School and Beyond Planning is a state requirement which helps students walk through the process of goal setting, future planning and self assessment. Students learn about their learning styles, career interests and they are asked to consider how the courses they select support their career goals. Additionally, students learn about college costs and selecting a college that meets the students needs.  Students are encouraged to change their goals and plans as they move towards graduation to include their new interests and knowledge. 

As a part of our High School and Beyond Plan, our students use Naviance to explore colleges and career paths, analyze skills and talents and help them stay on track to reach academic goals. Naviance fosters post-high school planning communication and collaboration for students, school counselors and families. Learn more about Naviance.

Seattle Public Schools requires students to complete 60 hours of service learning before graduation. Through service-learning students apply their academic skills and knowledge in real-life settings. Contact individual schools for specific information.

Graduation Requirements Class of 2026

English – 4 Credits

– Introduction to Literature & Composition 9

– World Literature & Composition 10

– American Literature & Composition 11, Ethnic Studies Lit and Comp 11, African, Asian, Latinx, or Native American Lit & Comp 11, AP Language, IB Lang & Lit 11, or Running Start/College in the High School English

– Comparative Literature & Composition 12, AP Literature, IB Lang 12, or Running Start/College In the High School English

Social Studies – 3 Credits

– World History 1

– World History 2, Ethnic Studies WH 2, AP World History 1, or AP Human Geo A

– World History 3, Ethnics Studies World History 3, AP World History 2, or AP Human Geo B

– U.S. History, or Ethnic Studies US History, IB History of the Americas, AP US History, CIHS AES 151, or CIHS 147 & 148

– American Government, IB 20th Century, AP US Government & Politics

– Washington State History

Mathematics – 3 Credits

– Algebra 1

– Geometry   

– Algebra 2, IB Math SL Year 1, Financial Algebra, CIHS Bus 130, Math 107, Modeling our World, a more advanced course in the math sequence, or an approved CTE math course.

Science – 3 Credits

– Phys A/Chem A

– Biology

– Phys B/Chem B or Select from approved core course offerings or OSPI approved equivalent career and technical education (CTE) courses.

Career Connected Learning(CTE) – 1.0 Credits

– Select from approved course offerings.  CTE credits may be earned in Exploratory or Preparatory CTE classes and certain approved non-CTE courses. CTE graduation pathway courses must be in a single program of study or a pre-approved career pathway. For more information contact CTE.

Physical Education – 1.5 Credits

– Personal Fitness

– Select from approved course offerings.

Health – .5 Credits

– Health, Family Health

Health may not waived. See Policy 2024 FAQs for Out of District Policy.

Visual or Performing Arts – 1.0 to 2.0 Credits

– Select from approved course offerings.

1.0 credits may be a part of the personalized pathway requirement. The PP may change overtime based on the students educational or career goals in the High School and Beyond.

Personal Pathway Requirement (World Languages, Combinations of courses that meet career goals.)- 2.0 to 3.0 Credits

– Select from approved course offerings.

Personal Pathway are courses that lead to a specific post-high school educational or career goal chosen by the student. Personal pathway may change over time.

World Languages are recommended for students planning on attending a 2 or 4-year college or university for admissions purposes. These may be taken as a part of the personal pathway or elective credits.

Electives – 4.0 Credits

– Elective credits are any courses not listed as part of the core courses listed above. Example: 4th credit of math or science, 3rd credit of world language.

Total- 24 Credits

Students must complete at least one Graduation Pathway but are encouraged to complete as many as align with their career and educational goals.

ELA + Math Pathway ELA OptionsELA + Math Pathway Math OptionsCareer & Technical PathwayMilitary Pathway
ELA + Math Pathway
Must pass one ELA
and one Math option.
N/ACareer & Technical PathwayMilitary Pathway
English OptionsMath OptionsFor students who are interested in a career in the military.
SBA ELA(2548) or​WA-AIM(104)  or​SAT(410) or​ACT (14) Score ​or​ SBA Math(2595) or​WA-AIM(103) or​SAT(430) or​ACT(16) Score ​or​ 2.0 Credits in one OSPI CTE Program AreaTake the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery with a Score of 31 or higher
Running Start – English or ​CIHS – English or​ Bridge to College English with a D or higher​ or​ Running Start – Math or​ CIHS –Math or​ Bridge to College Math with a D or higher​ or​ Agriculture Science
Business & Marketing
Family & Consumer Sciences
Health Sciences
Skilled & Technical Sciences
1 Credit of any of the following:
AP Lang and Comp
​AP Economics​
AP Psychology
​AP US History
​AP World History 
​AP US Govt and Politics
​AP Comp Govt and Politics​ or
IB Individuals and Societies or
IB English Language/Literature courses
with a C+ or higher​ (or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)
1.0 Credit of any of the following:
AP Statistics​
AP Computer Science A​
AP Computer Science Principles​ AP Calculus
​Any IB Math Course
​with a C+ or higher​ (or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)


High School and Beyond Planning is a state requirement which helps students walk through the process of goal setting, future planning and self assessment. Students learn about their learning styles, career interests and they are asked to consider how the courses they select support their career goals. Additionally, students learn about college costs and selecting a college that meets the students needs.  Students are encouraged to change their goals and plans as they move towards graduation to include their new interests and knowledge. 

As a part of our High School and Beyond Plan, our students use Naviance to explore colleges and career paths, analyze skills and talents and help them stay on track to reach academic goals. Naviance fosters post-high school planning communication and collaboration for students, school counselors and families. Learn more about Naviance.

Seattle Public Schools requires students to complete 60 hours of service learning before graduation. Through service-learning students apply their academic skills and knowledge in real-life settings. Contact individual schools for specific information.

Graduation Bulletin Class of 2021 thru 2025

24 Credits Minimum

24 credits are required for graduation earned from the below list of approved courses.The credit requirements are minimums both in terms of total credits required for graduation and for credits in the various subject areas.  To ensure both work and college readiness, the district encourages students to exceed the requirements.  

English Language Arts
Credits: 4.0
Required Courses:

  • Introduction to Literature & Composition 9
  • World Literature & Composition 10
  • American Literature & Composition 11, Ethnic Studies Lit and Comp, African, Asian, Latin, or Native American Lit and Comp, AP Literature, IB Lang and Lit 11, or CIHS English 
  • Comparative Literature & Composition 12, AP Language, IB Lang 12, or CIHS English

Note: Students should complete Intro to Lit & Comp 9, World Lit 10, AP/IB/CIHS/Ethnic Studies LA 11 or 12 or approved content alternatives. 

Social Studies
Credits: 3.0
Required Courses:

  • World History 1
  • World History 2, Ethnic Studies WH 2, AP World History 1, or AP Human Geo A
  • World History 3, AP World History 2, or AP Human Geo B
  • U.S. History, or Ethnic Studies US History, IB History of the Americas, AP US History, CIHS AES 151, or CIHS 147 & 148
  • American Government, IB 20th Century, AP American Government or AP US Government & Politics
  • Washington State History 2 

Note: Students must also complete an OSPI developed classroom-based assessment in civics in the eleventh or twelfth grade. The World History 2 or 3 courses will satisfy the state requirements for .5 credit in Current World Problems (CWP). The American Government course will satisfy the state requirement for a .5 credit in Civics.  Since Time Immemorial Tribal Curriculum is part of the social studies course curriculum. RCW 28A.230.093 WAC 392-410-120 WAC 180-51-067 RCW 28A.320.170 

Credits: 3.0
Required Courses:

  • Algebra 1
  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2, IB Math SL Year 1, Financial Algebra, CIHS Bus 130, Modeling our World or a more advanced course in the sequence or an approved CTE math course.

Note: *Students may elect to take an approved third mathematics credit tailored to their career path, to meet the Algebra II graduation requirement. For more information. RCW 284.230.097 

Credits: 3.0
Required Courses:

  • Phys A/Chem A
  • Biology
  • Phys B/Chem B or Select from approved core course offerings.

Note: Students should complete Phys A/Chem A and Biology A & B, Phys B/Chem B or earn credits in OSPI approved equivalent career and technical education (CTE) courses.1The third credit may be chosen based on the students’ interest and may include a CTE science-equivalent course RCW.24A.305.130 RCW 28A.700.070 WAC 180-51-068 RCW 28A.230.010

Career Connected Learning (CTE)
Credits: 1.0
Required Courses: Select from approved course offerings.

Notes: Career Connected Learning (CCL/CTE) credits may be earned in exploratory or preparatory CCL/ CTE classes and certain approved non-CCL/CTE courses. See official district course catalogue for approved courses.

Credits: .5
Required Courses:

  • .5 Health or Family Health

Note: Health may not be waived.

Physical Education
Credits: 1.5
Required Courses:

  • Select from approved course offerings

Note: The performance component of Fitness (physical education) may be waived for specific reasons such as physical disability or other reason described in RCW 28A.230.050. However, the content knowledge requirement must be met by either course work in fitness education or completing the OSPI developed Concepts of Health and Fitness Assessment. RCW 28A.230.050; WAC 180-50-135; WAC 392-410-136; WAC 392-410-310; and WAC 392-410-340. Students must also complete an OSPI approved assessment in health during high school. PE waivers are not guaranteed. 

Fine or Performing Arts
Credits: 1.0 to 2.0 Credits
Required Courses: Select from approved course offerings.

Notes: Select from courses in fine, visual or performing arts or cross-credited CTE courses. 1 credit may be a Personalized pathway requirement3 WAC 180-50-068 

Personal Pathway Courses (World Language, Art, Science, etc.)
Credits: 2.0 to 3.0 Credits
Required Courses: Select from approved course offerings.

Notes: Personalized pathway requirements are related courses that lead to a specific post high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based on the students’ interests and High School Beyond Plan.

World Languages are recommended for students planning on attending a 2 or 4-year college or university for admissions purposes. These may be taken as a part of the personal pathway or elective credits.

Credits: 4.0
Required Courses: Any course other than the courses listed above.

Total Credits
Credits: 24.0

Note: Official WA State transcripts provide a record of courses completed, credits, and grades.

  1. Refer to WAC 180-51-067 and FAQS for guidance on approved course sequence and alternatives.
  2. Students who have completed and passed a state history and government course in another state may have the Washington state history and government requirement waived. The study of the United States and Washington State Constitutions required under RCW 28A.230.170 shall not be waived, but may be fulfilled through an alternative learning experience approved by the school principal. Additionally, eleventh and twelfth grade students who transfer from out of state, may have the Washington state history requirement waived by the principal if they would not be able to graduate with their class without such a waiver.
  3. The 3rd credit of science and the 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student based on the student’s interest and High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or if the parent or guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal (WAC 180-51-068).
  4. Personalized Pathway Requirement are related courses that lead to a specific post high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student
English + Math Pathway
Any one LA AND one Math option
CTE PathwayMilitary
English OptionsMath Options
SBA ELA(2548) or​WA-AIM(104)  or​SAT(410) or​ACT (14) Score ​or​SBA Math(2595) or​WA-AIM(103) or​SAT(430) or​ACT(16) Score​or​2 Credits in one OSPI Program Area Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery with a score of 31 or higher
Running Start – English or​CIHS – English or​ Bridge to College English w/a D or higher​or​Running Start – Math or​ CIHS –Math or​ Bridge to College Math ​w/ a D or higher​or​
AP Lang and Comp
​AP Economics​
AP Psychology
​AP US History
​AP World History 
​AP US Govt and Politics
​AP Comp Govt and Politics​IB Individuals and Societies courses or English Language and Lit​w/C+ or higher​
(or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)
AP Statistics​
AP Computer Science A​
AP Computer Science Principles​AP Calculus
​Any IB Math Course​w/ C+ or higher​
(or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)
Students should attempt as many pathways as they are interested in completing; no student should be tracked into one pathway.​
Students in the class of 2021 are the last class to use the Certificate of Individual Achievement for the ELA/Math option.

High School and Beyond Planning is a state requirement which helps students walk through the process of goal setting, future planning and self assessment. Students learn about their learning styles, career interests and they are asked to consider how the courses they select support their career goals. Additionally, students learn about college costs and selecting a college that meets the students needs.  Students are encouraged to change their goals and plans as they move towards graduation to include their new interests and knowledge. 

As a part of our High School and Beyond Plan, our students use Naviance to explore colleges and career paths, analyze skills and talents and help them stay on track to reach academic goals. Naviance fosters post-high school planning communication and collaboration for students, school counselors and families. Learn more about Naviance.

Service Learning

Seattle Public Schools requires students to complete 60 hours of service learning before graduation. Through service-learning students apply their academic skills and knowledge in real-life settings. Contact individual schools for specific information.

*the Seattle School Board has waived this requirement due to Covid for the classes of 2020, 2021 & 2022.

Graduation Bulletin Class of 2020

21 Credits Minimum

The credit requirements are minimums both in terms of total credits required for graduation and for credits in the various subject areas. In order to ensure both work and college readiness, the district encourages students to exceed the requirements.  

English/Language Arts

Credits: 4.0
Required Courses:

  • Select from approved course offerings.

Notes: Students should complete Intro to Lit & Comp 9, World Lit 10, AP/IB/CIHS/Ethnic Studies LA 11 or 12 or approved content alternatives.

Social Studies

Credits: 3.0
Required Courses:

  • World History or Ethnic Studies World History 1, 2, and 3
  • U.S. History, or Ethnic Studies US History 11A, 11B
  • American Government
  • Washington State History

Notes: Students must also complete an OSPI developed classroom-based assessment in civics in the eleventh or twelfth grade. The World History 2 or 3 courses will satisfy the state requirements for .5 credit in Current World Problems (CWP). The American Government course will satisfy the state requirement for a .5 credit in Civics. Since Time Immemorial Tribal Curriculum is part of the social studies course curriculum. RCW 28A.230.093 WAC 392-410-120 WAC 180-51-067 RCW 28A.320.170


Credits: 3.0
Required Courses:

  • Algebra I or Integrated Math
  • Geometry or Integrated Math 2
  • Algebra II, more advanced course in the sequence or CTE math course.3

Notes: Students may elect to take an approved third mathematicscredit tailored to their career path, to meet the Algebra II graduation requirement. For more information. RCW 284.230.097


Credits: 2.0
Required Courses:

  • Phys A/Chem A
  • Biology or
  • Select from approved core course offerings.

Notes: Students should complete Phys A/Chem A and Biology A & B, Phys B/Chem B or earn credits in OSPI approved equivalent career and technical education (CTE) courses.  RCW.24A.305.130 RCW 28A.700.070 WAC 180-51-068 RCW 28A.230.010

Career Technical Education (CTE)

Credits: 1
Required Courses:

  • Select from approved course offerings

Notes: CT Education credits may be earned in Exploratory or Preparatory CTE classes and certain approved non-CTE courses. CTE graduation pathway courses must be in a single program of study. For more information contact CTE.

Physical Education

Credits: 1.5
Required Courses:

  • Select from approved course offerings

Notes: The performance component of Fitness (physical education)may be waived for specific reasons such as physical disability or other reason described in RCW 28A.230.050. However, the content knowledge requirement must be met by either course work in fitness education or completing the OSPI developed Concepts of Health and Fitness Assessment.
RCW 28A.230.050; WAC 180-50-135; WAC 392-410-136; WAC 392-410-310; and WAC 392-410-340. Students must also complete an OSPI approved assessment in health during high school.


Credits: 0.5
Required Courses:

  • Health or Family Health

Notes: Health may not be waived

Fine or Performing Arts

Credits: 1.0
Required Courses: Select from approved course offerings.

Notes: Select from courses in fine, visual or performing arts or cross-credited CTE courses. 1 credit may be a Personalized pathway requirement3 WAC 180-50-068


Credits: 5.0
Required Courses: Select from approved course offerings.

Notes: Any course other than the required courses listed above.

Total Credits

Credits: 21.0

  1. Refer to WAC 180-51-067 and FAQS for guidance on approved course sequence and alternatives.
  2. Students who have completed and passed a state history and government course in another state may have the Washington state history and government requirement waived. The study of the United States and Washington State Constitutions required under RCW 28A.230.170 shall not be waived but may be fulfilled through an alternative learning experience approved by the school principal. Additionally, eleventh and twelfth grade students who transfer from out of state, and who have or will have earned two credits in social studies at graduation, may have the Washington state history requirement waived by the principal if they would not be able to graduate with their class without such a waiver.
  3. The 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student based on the student’s interest and High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or if the parent or guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal (WAC 180-51-068).4. Personalized Pathway Requirement are related courses that lead to a specific post high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based on the student’s interests and High School and Beyond Plan, that may include Career and Technical Education or World Languages, and are intended to provide a focus for the student’s learning.
ELA + Math Pathway
ELA Options
ELA + Math Pathway
Math Options
CTE PathwayMilitary
SBA ELA(2548) or​ WA-AIM(104)  or​ SAT(410) or​ACT (14) Score ​or​SBA Math(2595) or ​WA-AIM(103) or​ SAT(430) or​ACT(16) Score​ or​2 Credits in one OSPI Program Area Pass the ASVAB with a 31 or Higher
Running Start – English or ​CIHS – English or​Bridge to College English ​w/a D or higher or​Running Start – Math or​CIHS –Math or​ Bridge to College Math ​w/a D or higher or​N/AN/A
AP Lang and Comp​
AP Economics​
AP Psychology
​AP US History​
AP World History 
​AP US Govt and Politics
​AP Comp Govt and Politics
​IB Individuals and Societies courses or English Language and Lit​w/C+ or higher​ (or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)
AP Statistics​
AP Computer Science A
​AP Computer Science Principles​
AP Calculus​
Any IB Math Course​w/ C+ or higher​ (or with a qualifying AP/IB Exam score)
Students in the class of 2020 may also meet the requirement with a Certificate of Individual Achievement.

High School and Beyond Planning is a state requirement which helps students walk through the process of goal setting, future planning and self assessment. Students learn about their learning styles, career interests and they are asked to consider how the courses they select support their career goals. Additionally, students learn about college costs and selecting a college that meets the students needs.  Students are encouraged to change their goals and plans as they move towards graduation to include their new interests and knowledge. 

As a part of our High School and Beyond Plan, our students use Naviance to explore colleges and career paths, analyze skills and talents and help them stay on track to reach academic goals. Naviance fosters post-high school planning communication and collaboration for students, school counselors and families. Learn more about Naviance.

Students must complete 60 Hours of service learning. Students may not be paid or earn credit for their hours.


  1. Refer to WAC 180-51-067 and SPS FAQS for guidance on approved course sequence and alternatives.
  2. Students who have completed and passed a state history and government course in another state may have the Washington state history and government requirement waived. The study of the United States and Washington State Constitutions required under RCW 28A.230.170 shall not be waived but may be fulfilled through an alternative learning experience approved by the school principal. Additionally, eleventh and twelfth grade students who transfer from out of state, may have the Washington state history requirement waived if they would not be able to graduate with their class without such a waiver.
  3. The 3rd credit of science and the 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student based on the student’s interest and High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or if the parent or guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal (WAC 180-51-068).
  4. Personalized Pathway Requirement are related courses that lead to a specific post high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based on the student’s interests and High School and Beyond Plan, that may include Career and Technical Education or World Languages and are intended to provide a focus for the student’s learning.
  5. Courses and other Pathways that qualify

    LA Graduation pathway are:

    AP Courses

    • English Language and Composition
    • English Literature and Composition
    • Macroeconomics
    • Microeconomics
    • Psychology
    • United States History
    • World History •United States Government and Politics
    • Comparative Government and Politics

    IB Courses

    • All Courses in English Language and Literature
    • All Courses in Individuals and Societies Running Start/College in the High School
    • English 100 or Above Bridge to College Language Arts

    Math Graduation Pathway are:

    AP Courses
    • Statistics
    • Computer Science A
    • Computer Science Principles
    • Calculus IB Courses
    • Any IB course in mathematics

    Running Start or College in the High School Math 100 or above Bridge to College Mathematics ASVAB Military Exams with approved score Or any courses listed by the SBE.
  6. Students who are served by special education services who need alternative course requirements, should have those graduation course alternatives noted in their IEP.

    Caution: Entrance requirements to four-year colleges and universities sometimes exceed Seattle Public Schools high school graduation requirements. Check with college admissions staff for more information. There is an open-door admission policy to the two-year community colleges and public technical colleges in this state, though some programs of study may have specific requirements. Seattle Public Schools prioritizes courses that meet graduation requirements for all students. However, students who continue to enroll in a challenging course of study in high school are more likely to find success in whatever post-secondary option they choose.

Waiver of District High School Graduation Requirements or 2 Elective Credits.

  1. Four years of attendance (grades 9-12) are usually necessary for graduation.
  2. While specific District high school graduation requirements may be waived for an individual student; No State Requirement May Be Waived (i.e., state minimum credit requirements and High School and Beyond Plan, etc.) except where provided for under state law. Families or students may request a waiver during graduation processes and the principal will submit the waiver request to the Director of Schools for final approval. Waivers approvals are not guaranteed. For further information please contact your school for details