Seattle Public Schools

Library Services

Directory of Librarians

Librarian Directory by School

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W


Adams Elementary
Librarian: Christopher Oswald
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1350
Mailstop: NG-201

Aki Kurose Middle School
Librarian: David Nelson
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7722
Mailstop: SE-130

Alki Elementary
Librarian: Becky Shipe
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9062
Mailstop: WE-202

American Indian Resource Library
(formerly Native American Education Library)
Librarian: Pilar Sandoval-Moberg
Office Phone Number: 206-413-2183
Mailstop: CD-139 (c/o Meany Middle School)

Arbor Heights Elementary
Librarian: Jessica Lindow
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9259
Mailstop: WF-203

Manager Records and Archives: Melinda Lamantia
Archivist: Meaghan Kahlo
Student Records: Jill Biondolillo
Office Phone Number: 206-252-0795
Mailstop: 21-171


B.F. Day Elementary
Librarian: Jaimee Papineau
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6036
Mailstop: CW-218

Bagley (Daniel Bagley) Elementary
Librarian: Emily Lynch
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5123
Mailstop: NH-204

Ballard High School
Librarian: TuesD Chambers
Library Assistant: Britta Bowman
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1121
Mailstop: NA-011

Beacon Hill International Elementary
Librarian: Therese Kumasaka
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2712
Mailstop: CE-205

Broadview-Thomson K-8
Librarian: Jillian Kartchner
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4093
Mailstop: NJ-208

Bryant Elementary
Librarian: Anne Aliverti
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5234
Mailstop: EF-209


Cascade Parent Partnership
Lloyanne Wallien
Office Phone Number: 206-743-3910
Mailstop: AD-516

Cascadia Elementary
Librarian: Merrick Bodmer
Office Phone Number: 206-413-2000
Mailstop: NT-292

Catharine Blaine K-8
Librarian: Christine Catozzi
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1964
Mailstop: NW-289

Cedar Park Elementary
Librarian: Alicia Nygard
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4309
Mailstop: EJ-210

Chief Sealth International High School
Librarian: Luke Azinger
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8617
Mailstop: WA-018

Cleveland STEM High School
Librarian: Logan Reichert
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7836
Mailstop: SA-012

Coe (Frantz Coe) Elementary
Librarian: Marjorie Dowd
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2014
Mailstop: CF-211

Concord International Elementary
Librarian: Amy Vattuone
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8148
Mailstop: WG-215


Dearborn Park International Elementary
Librarian: Kathleen Gillespie
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6945
Mailstop: SM-251

Decatur (Stephen Decatur) Elementary
Librarian: Leann Miller
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3259
Mailstop: EQ-287

Denny International Middle School
Librarian: Katherine (Kate) Risi
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8955
Mailstop: WC-103

Dunlap Elementary
Librarian: Kathryn (Katy) Ellingsen
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7016
Mailstop: SI-219


Eckstein Middle School
Librarian: Erin Sterling
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5078
Mailstop: EE-134

Emerson Elementary
Librarian: Kevin McNew
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7090
Mailstop: SK-221


Fairmount Park Elementary
Librarian: Lesley Vannini
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9314
Mailstop: WI-222

Franklin High School
Librarian: Quinn Longhurst
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6241
Mailstop: CA-013


Garfield High School
Librarian: Tyson Manzin
Library Assistant: Muz Katende
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2359
Mailstop: CB-014

Gatewood Elementary
Librarian: Emma Vielbig
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9406
Mailstop: WK-225

Gatzert (Bailey Gatzert) Elementary
Librarian: Natania Dumont
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2859
Mailstop: CI-226

Genesee Hill Elementary
Librarian: Lindsay Yost
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9706
Mailstop: WH-227

Graham Hill Elementary
Librarian: JK Burwell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7167
Mailstop: SJ-220

Green Lake Elementary
Librarian: Andrea Bernasconi
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5320
Mailstop: NM-229

Greenwood Elementary
Librarian: Chris Oswald
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1414
Mailstop: EG-230


Hamilton International Middle School
Librarian: Morgan MacDonald
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5850
Mailstop: NF-135

Hawthorne Elementary
Librarian: Jeanne Campbell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7224
Mailstop: SL-233

Hazel Wolf K-8
Librarian: Emily Valdez
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3608
Mailstop: NS-263

Highland Park Elementary
Librarian: Chris Robert
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8287
Mailstop: WL-235


Ingraham High School
Librarian: Ginny Trufan
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3920
Mailstop: NB-020


James Baldwin Elementary
Librarian: Jodie Purcell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4186
Mailstop: NQ-257

Jane Addams Middle School
Librarian: Emily Christiansen
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4496
Mailstop: EC-588

John Hay Elementary
Librarian: Emilia (Emmy) Misner
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2113
Mailstop: CK-234

John Muir Elementary
Librarian: JK Burwell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7410
Mailstop: CR-256

John Rogers Elementary
Librarian: Mahlon Landis
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4342
Mailstop: EM-266

John Stanford International Elementary
Librarian: Kathleen Gillespie
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6114
Mailstop: NN-241


Kimball Elementary
Librarian: Jeanne Campbell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7311
Mailstop: CU-288


Lafayette Elementary
Librarian: Linda Nakagawa
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9518
Mailstop: WO-239

Laurelhurst Elementary
Librarian: Tom Brown
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5413
Mailstop: EH-242

Lawton Elementary
Librarian: Audra Gallegos
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2138
Mailstop: NI-243

Leschi Elementary
Librarian: Kevin McNew
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2994
Mailstop: CL-244

Licton Springs K-8 (formerly Pinehurst K-8)
Librarian: Hank Morgan
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4576
Mailstop: NY-278

Lincoln High School
Librarian: Claire Scott
Office Phone Number: 206-413-2552
Mailstop: NT-015

Louisa Boren STEM K-8
Librarian: Sara Betts
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8450
Mailstop: WJ-119

Lowell Elementary
Librarian: Kirk Van Irvin
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3031
Mailstop: CM-245

Loyal Heights Elementary
Librarian: Colette Blangy
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1455
Mailstop: NP-246


Madison Middle School
Librarian: Stacia Bell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9152
Mailstop: WD-107

Madrona Elementary
Librarian: Kirk Van Irvin
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3112
Mailstop: CO-249

Magnolia Elementary
Librarian: Abby Levin
Office Phone Number: 206-413-3801
Mailstop: NL-250

Maple Elementary
Librarian: Linda Nakagawa
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8320
Mailstop: SN-252

Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary
Librarian: Benjamin Davis
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6720
Mailstop: SF-207

McClure Middle School
Librarian: Mahlon Landis
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1917
Mailstop: NE-118

McDonald International Elementary
Librarian: Susan Finnegan
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5947
Mailstop: NK-247

McGilvra Elementary
Librarian: Danae Powers
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3192
Mailstop: CN-248

Meany Middle School
Librarian: Mary Vester
Office Phone Number: 206-413-2153
Mailstop: CD-139

Mercer Middle School
Librarian: Susan Monroe
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8041
Mailstop: SC-110

Montlake Elementary
Librarian: Paula Wittmann
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3306
Mailstop: CQ-255


Nathan Hale High School
Librarian: Dana West
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3765
Mailstop: EB-022

North Beach Elementary
Librarian: Luci Bakker
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1527
Mailstop: NR-259


Olympic Hills Elementary
Librarian: Audrey Rahmn
Office Phone Number: 206-413-2220
Mailstop: EK-261

Olympic View Elementary
Librarian: Kristi Leland
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5496
Mailstop: EL-262

Orca K-8
Librarian: Tracy Appleyard
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6880
Mailstop: SG-283


Pathfinder K-8
Librarian: Ami Pendley
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9747
Mailstop: WT-216


Queen Anne Elementary
Librarian: Simone M. Parker
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2510
Mailstop: CH-974


Rainier Beach High School
Librarian: Sarah Moges
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6458
Mailstop: SB-021

Rainier View Elementary
Librarian: Megan McMahon
Office Phone Number: 206-252-6718
Mailstop: ST-264

Rising Star (formerly Van Asselt Elementary)
Librarian: Benjamin Davis
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7512
Mailstop: SP-290

Robert Eagle Staff Middle School
Librarian: Courtney Knostman
Office Phone Number: 206-413-2352
Mailstop: NK-136

Roosevelt High School
Librarian: Andrea Redmond
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4953
Mailstop: EA-017

Roxhill Elementary
Librarian: Chris Robert
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9584
Mailstop: SW-237


Sacajawea Elementary
Librarian: Sean Harvey
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5573
Mailstop: EI-268

Salmon Bay K-8
Librarian: Corinna Wright
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1737
Mailstop: NC-111

Sand Point Elementary
Librarian: Mahlon Landis
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4663
Mailstop: ES-269

Sanislo Elementary
Librarian: Becky Shipe
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8402
Mailstop: WR-273

Seattle World School
Librarian: Bill Butler
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2238
Mailstop: CH-665

South Shore PK-8
Librarian: Kristian Englert
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7626
Mailstop: SG-113

Stevens Elementary
Librarian: Tanya Kamila
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3438
Mailstop: CT-272


Thornton Creek Elementary
Librarian: Kristen Eason
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5261
Mailstop: EQ-291

Thurgood Marshall Elementary
Librarian: Michael Zetterberg
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2275
Mailstop: CS-212

Librarian: Nicholas Schirmer
Office Phone Number: 206-252-3530
Mailstop: CG-599


View Ridge Elementary
Librarian: Amy Young
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5622
Mailstop: EN-277

Viewlands Elementary
Librarian: Emilia (Emmy) Misner
Office Phone Number: 206-252-4741
Mailstop: NT-276


Washington Middle School
Librarian: Emily Harris
Office Phone Number: 206-252-2623
Mailstop: CC-117

Wedgwood Elementary
Librarian: Kristi Leland
Office Phone Number: 206-252-5707
Mailstop: EO-279

West Seattle Elementary
Librarian: Heidi Porter
Office Phone Number: 206-252-9462
Mailstop: WM-236

West Seattle High School
Librarian: Colleen Carlson
Office Phone Number: 206-252-8812
Mailstop: WB-019

West Woodland Elementary
Librarian: Paula Wittmann
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1581
Mailstop: NU-281

Whitman Middle School
Librarian: Sarah Johnson
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1220
Mailstop: ND-115

Whittier Elementary
Librarian: Sarah Newcomb
Office Phone Number: 206-252-1661
Mailstop: NV-282

Wing Luke Elementary
Librarian: Wendy Walker-Bell
Office Phone Number: 206-252-7690
Mailstop: SR-286