Seattle Public Schools

Native American Education

Support Services

Is your student or family in need of support?

The Native American Education Department provides academic and family support for our Native students and families under a Title VI grant in collaboration with Title I and McKinney Vento. Some of the services we offer our families:

  • Crisis intervention and intervention strategies
  • Conflict resolution
  • Houseless issues
  • Support services referrals including food, housing, and special education needs
  • Academic achievement prioritization
  • Substance abuse, DV, and mental health referrals
  • Education and support of school staff in understanding cultural and societal factors that may have an impact on Native student academic achievement
  • Native community-building events for parents and students
  • Clothing and food distribution during the holidays
  • Refurbished laptop for new students

We have an amazing student and family support team available to help! Please contact:

Victoria Hildebrand, Consulting Teacher

Kurstyn Allen, Social Worker

Helpful Online Resources:

  • Emerald City Resource Guide online
    Comprehensive list of local resources. Service providers range from clothing, food, and financial assistance to employment services.
  • Teen Link
    Teen Link is a program for Washington teens in crisis. Their online site offers information on the services they provide and a teen help line.
  • Youth Care
    Local organization with a mission to end youth homelessness offering food, medical, housing, & mental health services for youths ages 12-24.