Seattle Public Schools

Advanced Learning Eligibility Decision

Summary : We are evaluating all K-8th grade students for Advanced Learning services.

Advanced Learning Eligibility Decision 2022-23

Seattle Public Schools is committed to ensuring every student has access to the learning services that help them thrive. This includes changing how we are making Advanced Learning services eligibility decisions and when we share eligibility information with families.

This year we used many sources of information to determine eligibility. These included a family/guardian survey, teacher input, grades, and standardized test scores.

When you will know if your child is eligible for Advanced Learning services

We are currently evaluating all SPS K-8th grade students. This review will determine who is eligible to receive Highly Capable and Advanced Learning services next school year.

You will receive your student’s eligibility decision by email.

Advanced Learning services being considered for each student

Highly Capable (HC): Students are working well above the grade level. These students have two options:

  • Remain in their current school and receive differentiation within their classroom or
  • Start next year in a cohort pathway school. In a cohort pathway school, students receive accelerated instruction with other HC students (a cohort is a group of students).

Advanced Learner (AL): Students are working above grade level. These students show a need for extended learning opportunities within their current school.

Continuing Advanced Learner (CAL): Students were Advanced Learners last year and will continue as AL next year.

Not Eligible (NE) in this Review: Students either did not have enough data or their data did not currently show them in need of HC or AL services. 

How families can appeal the decision

Families have the opportunity to appeal the decision by Friday, May 20. Every family has 10 days to submit an appeal. Appeal information will be included in your eligibility letter. You can get more information on the Advanced Learning appeals webpage

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