Seattle Public Schools

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Legislative Session Statement

The Washington State Legislature made progress during the 2023 session on Seattle Public Schools priorities including special education funding.
Two photos, one with Principal Conyers second with Superintendent Jones and Principal Jackson

Principals McCowan-Conyers and Jackson Receive Foster Award

Principal McCowan-Conyers, West Seattle Elementary, and Principal Jackson, Nathan Hale High School, are the 2023 Foster Award recipients.
Marjorie Dowd smiles for a photo in a school library

Celebrating School Librarians

April is School Library Month! The annual celebration highlights the role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives!…
Three adults stand in a school classroom during the math carnival.

Mercer Math Carnival

Mercer International Middle School’s Math Carnival gives families an opportunity to have fun while doing math with their students.

Better Together: Community Partnerships

From tutoring to scholarships, playgrounds to housing, the district is reaping the benefits of partnering with community organizations.