Seattle Public Schools

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A young student rides a bike in the school gym with a helmet and a mask

Learn-to-Ride PE Program

While in class, students are taught how to wear a bike helmet, navigate a bike, and ride safely with classmates.
Students sitting at their desks researching on computers

Inclusionary Practices Project and SPS

SPS district staff are creating strategies that will help increase inclusive learning experiences for every student.
A teacher and students in masks talk in a classroom

Balkan Foster Golden Apple Award

Boo Balkan Foster ia a 2022 Golden Apple Moments recipient, an award that celebrates educators, programs, and schools making a positive difference. …
Two women sit together on a couch and smile for a photo

Celebrating School Social Workers

In honor of Social Work Month, social workers from Cleveland and Chief Sealth share how their work impacts their school community.
A teacher and students sit together in a classroom talking

Advanced Learning at West Seattle Elementary

West Seattle Elementary is creating practices that recognize and nurture the talents and interests of every student.