Seattle Public Schools

Honoring Observation of Ramadan 

Summary: Seattle Public Schools affirms and supports our students from all faith backgrounds.

Honoring Student and Community Observation of Ramadan  

Seattle Public Schools affirms and supports our students from all faith backgrounds. SPS has many students, families, staff, and community partners who participate in the spiritual month of Ramadan.

For 2024, Ramadan will be observed March 10 through April 10. 

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar year and is an annual celebration practiced by Muslims around the world. The obligation to refrain from eating or drinking from dawn to dusk during the time of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of the religion of Islam. After sunset prayers, fasting is broken with a meal shared among families and friends.  

Teachers can make accommodations for Muslim students who are observing Ramadan. Students who would like to request religious accommodation for their observation of Ramadan should contact their teachers as soon as possible.  

Resources for Families and Community 

Ramadan: Why Muslims Fast

Teaching About Ramadan and Eid 

9 Ways to Support Your Muslim Friends During Ramadan 

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Washington 

SPS Creating Welcoming Schools to Ensure Students Feel Welcomed and Safe: Addressing Instances of Hate and Bias  

Student Requests for Religious Accommodations

Seattle Public Schools affirms and supports our students and staff from all faith backgrounds. As a reminder, students and staff may request religious accommodations if needed.

Read how students can request religious accommodations.

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