Seattle Public Schools

Inclusive Preschool Enrollment

Summary: Free Part-Day Preschool! Enrollment is open for SPS inclusive preschool classrooms led by highly qualified teachers.

  • Is your child ready for preschool but not quite ready for a full day program?
  • Are you looking for opportunities for your child to learn and play with children of diverse ability levels?

Seattle Public Schools offers several preschool options for children ages 3 – 5 years old. Students who are typically developing (meeting all or most developmental milestones) are welcome to join our preschool classrooms led by highly qualified teachers serving students with disabilities. Our developmental preschool classrooms offer services for students who are old enough for preschool and also best served by specially designed instruction.

For more information, please visit our preschool webpage.

Free Part-Day Preschool

Seattle Public Schools Early Learning Developmental Preschool Program

Is your child ready for preschool but not quite ready for a full day program? Are you looking for opportunities for your child to learn and play with children of diverse ability levels?

The SPS Early Learning department is recruiting students who are typically developing (meeting all or most developmental milestones) to join our preschool classrooms led by highly qualified teachers serving students with disabilities.

Program Description

A young student plays with preschool toys in a classroom

Curriculum: Creative Curriculum (evidence-based general education program)
Session: 2.5 Hours in Morning or Afternoon (based on program availability)
Transportation: Parent Responsibility (no district transportation provided)
Cost: FREE!

Developmental Preschool Programs Locations

Benefits of High-Quality Inclusive Preschool for Each and Every Child:

A young student stacks blocks in a classroom
  • Research indicates that meaningful inclusion is beneficial to children with and without disabilities across a variety of developmental domains.
  • Children with and without disabilities, can make significant developmental and learning progress
    in inclusive settings.
  • Children with and without disabilities in inclusive early childhood programs also demonstrate stronger social- emotional skills than their peers in separate settings.
  • Meaningful inclusion in high quality early childhood programs can support children with disabilities in reaching their full potential resulting in broad societal benefits.

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Admissions Fair

Join us to ask questions about the upcoming school year, learn more about Open Enrollment for School Choice, and the many SPS outstanding programs!…
A teacher and preschool student read a book together.

SPS Preschool Options

The Seattle Preschool Program and Head Start are accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year.

Student School Assignment

Students are assigned to their attendance area school based on where they live. Families may request a different school through School Choice.