Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Summary : Monday, Oct. 9, we honor Native American culture and history in recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Oct. 9, 2023, we honor Native American culture and history in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
The SPS Native Education team gathered resources for students and families to learn more about Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Native American Heritage Month. View the Indigenous Peoples’ Day webpage.
This news post displays artwork by Andrea Wilbur Sigo “Tamanimas” a Northwest Coast design. Read more about the artist and her work.
Proclamation Indigenous Peoples Day
A PROCLAMATION of Seattle School District No. 1, King County, Seattle, Washington reaffirming the district’s commitment to promote the well-being and growth of every District student, especially of Seattle’s American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Indigenous students.
WHEREAS, the Seattle Public Schools recognizes that the Indigenous Peoples of the lands that would later become known as the Americas have occupied these lands since time immemorial; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Public Schools recognizes the fact that Seattle is built upon the homelands and villages of the Coast Salish Peoples of this region, without whom the building of the City would not have been possible; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Public Schools values the many contributions made to our community through Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge, labor, technology, science, philosophy, arts and the deep cultural contribution that has substantially shaped the charter of the City of Seattle; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Public Schools has a responsibility to oppose the systematic racism towards Indigenous people in the United States, which perpetuates high rates of poverty and income inequality, exacerbating disproportionate health, education, and social crises; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Public Schools seeks to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination stemming from colonization and to promote awareness, understanding, and good relations among Indigenous peoples and all other segments of our District; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Public Schools promotes educational excellence for Indigenous Peoples through policies and practices that reflect the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, ensure greater access and opportunity, and honor our nation’s indigenous roots, history, and contributions; and
WHEREAS, SB 5433 requires the teaching of the history, government and contemporary issues of the 29 federally recognized tribes of Washington state; and
WHEREAS, the School Board of Directors has mandated through Policy No. 2336, Required Observances, to observe the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples Day.
THEREFORE, all schools are encouraged to support the well-being and growth of American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Indigenous students and recognize the contributions of Native Peoples on October 11, Indigenous Peoples Day. October 10, 2022 is hereby proclaimed as Indigenous Peoples Day and celebrated across Seattle Public Schools.
Dr. Brent C. Jones
Seattle Public Schools
September 28, 2022