Responding to Ingraham Tragedy
Summary : We will continue to work on your behalf to ensure that better and stronger days for Ingraham and all SPS schools are ahead.
Dear Students and Families,
Thank you to the more than 200 students, families, and staff who joined us for the Ingraham community meeting. I am grateful for the engagement and support of the Seattle Public Schools community in the face of the tragic death of one of our students on November 8.
Several families requested an anonymous way to report safety concerns. You or your student can use the SPS Safe Schools Hotline 206-252-0510 to report any threats to SPS schools. This phone number is managed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You also asked for a reminder on any supportive resources to help sustain you during the holiday break. The SPS Coordinated School Health team collected some suggestions to help families support their students after gun violence:
How to Help if You Are Concerned About Your Student
- Listen and validate concerns: Respond honestly to any thoughts or fears expressed in an age-appropriate manner. Identify social supports (e.g., family members, friends) with whom they can discuss their feelings. Don’t push your child to discuss how they feel. Different people will have different reactions.
- Model and practice brave behavior: Parents/guardians can model brave behaviors by continuing to participate in community activities. Encourage your child to engage in these activities as well.
- Have a conversation about media: Repeated exposure to the media content can exacerbate concerns. Parents/guardians should do their best to have conversations about what they are seeing in the media and help students make informed decisions about the media they are engaging with.
- Access mental health supports (if needed): If fears are causing significant impairment (e.g., impacting social, occupational, or educational functioning), support from a mental health profession may be warranted.
The following resources offer a collection of local agencies that can help support our community.
- Teen Link offers young people peers to listen and discuss concerns. Calls and chats are confidential. Call 1-866-teenlink (833-6546)
- Crisis Connections offers 24-hour support. Call 1-866-427-4747
- Additional community resources are available on the Seattle Public Schools Mental Health Services department webpage.
I am encouraged by the compassion, strength, and resilience of this school community.
During times of need, each of us is challenged to be there for one another. Let us try to give grace when we can, knowing that others may be struggling in unseen ways.
Thank you and best wishes as we head into the long weekend. We will continue to work on your behalf to ensure that better and stronger days for Ingraham and all SPS schools are ahead.
With Gratitude,
Bev Redmond
Interim Chief of Staff/Assistant Superintendent of Public Affairs
Seattle Public Schools

Posted: Nov. 17
Dear SPS Students, Families, and Staff,
I feel the pain and frustration of our community in the wake of last week’s tragic death of one of our students. Like you, I continue to grieve the violence that occurred at Ingraham High School.
I, and my team, continue to provide additional support to the Ingraham community. Principal Floe will be holding an Ingraham community meeting next week. Ingraham families will receive a message directly from the school with details about the event.
For the wider SPS community, I am working with my leadership team to create an event for all families and students to join us in a conversation about school safety. You will receive more information about this event once it has been scheduled.
Safety remains a top priority for all of us at Seattle Public Schools. Keeping our schools secure is part of our daily work. Here are some of the safety and security measures our district is actively engaged in and work that will soon begin.
Building Safety and Support
Our work to ensure school buildings have updated security systems, entryways, and door locks continues. We have installed new inside locks on more than 4,000 classroom doors across the district.
We are currently working to add intercoms and cameras at school entryways.
The district has committed funding from the Building Excellence (BEX) V Capital Levy toward security resources and improvements. This work will help SPS reinforce data security and beef up school building access systems. View the list of BEX V projects that Seattle voters approved in February 2019.
The district security staff monitors alarms and responds to suspicious activities 24 hours a day. They quickly respond and coordinate with community emergency responders when an incident occurs.
The security team facilitates school drills with first responders.
Preparedness training provided by Safety and Security includes verbal de-escalation, conflict management, and critical incident management.
Our Coordinated School Health team provides support immediately following critical incidents. The health services team and employee assistance program help our schools respond to the emotional needs of staff, students and families.
School and Community Partnerships for School Safety
All our schools have a safety plan developed in collaboration with the SPS Safety and Security Team.
Seattle Police Department and SPS Safety and Security meet regularly to discuss strategies aimed at reducing crime in and around schools, offer training opportunities, participate in drills, and enhance communication.
Our security team monitors trends related to school safety and security, working with our local community emergency responders to help prevent or mitigate incidents.
Moving Forward
I am introducing three actions as part of a district-wide safety initiative that will:
- Complete a district-wide safety and security assessment.
- Establish a Community Action Team to help SPS determine immediate steps to improve school safety.
- Launch a child well-being council that will be led by nurses, pediatricians, psychologists, and others who have expertise in supporting mental health and social-emotional needs.
This fall, SPS and the educators’ union came together to finalize the 2022-25 collective bargaining agreement. That agreement included several services related to school supports including:
- Adds mental health support with an additional half-time social worker at each comprehensive K-8, middle, and high school this school year.
- Lowers the counselor-to-student ratio at our highest-need secondary schools.
Actions Families Can Take
Please talk with your student (as age-appropriate or appropriate for your family), about school and personal safety.
- Talking to children and teens about violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
- Seattle Police Department Personal Safety Tips
- SPS Coordinated School Health Mental Health Resources
As with any school-related issues that are important to your family, you are always welcome to contact your local, state or federal representative. You can find your representatives by visiting the Washington State Legislature District Finder website.
We all play a role in school safety. You can use the SPS Safe Schools Hotline 206-252-0510 to report any threats to SPS schools. This phone number is managed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We are SPS, and together we will continue to look out for one another.
Dr. Brent Jones
Seattle Public Schools
Posted Nov. 12
Watch Superintendent Jones’ Nov. 12 video message.
Translated videos
Dear SPS students, families, and staff,
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is committed to providing safe and welcoming learning environments.
While last week’s tragic event happened at one school, it affects us all. Our collective hearts ache for this senseless loss of life. Our community is experiencing a wide range of reactions and emotions. Supporting student and staff wellness has been and will remain the highest priority.
At Ingraham, students will be returning to their classrooms on Monday to reclaim their learning space. Principal Floe, school staff, and district teams have provided a supportive, safe space while giving the school community time to heal.
Last week and this weekend, emotional and wellness supports have been available for Ingraham students and staff. On Monday and in the days following, additional counselors and social workers will be at the school. Additional security will be provided on the school campus. While Ingraham will follow its regular bell schedule, educators will be available for students during the morning classes to discuss their experience.
The SPS Health Services team continues to be available for those who need emotional support. Our Safety and Security team continues their work to provide additional safety measures to SPS schools.
Gun violence is something no student, family, or educator should have to endure. Tragic events like this hit home especially hard. As a community, we can steer our students away from violence. We can teach our children the value of tolerance.
In his comments at last week’s Seattle School Board meeting, Superintendent Jones introduced a safety initiative comprised of three elements:
- A district-wide safety and security audit
- Creation of a community action team
- Launch of a child well-being council
As a reminder, our community has access to the SPS Safe Schools Hotline. You can use the SPS Safe Schools Hotline 206-252-0510 to report any threats to SPS schools. This phone number is managed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have questions or concerns, please use our Let’s Talk form.
Public Affairs
Seattle Public Schools
Posted Nov. 9
Dear SPS Families and Staff,
Tuesday morning, we had an incident of gun violence at one of our schools. Tragically, an Ingraham student was shot and killed on campus. Our collective hearts are broken. We send our deepest condolences to the victim’s family and the entire Ingraham school community.
Seattle Police are on the scene and working with the district’s Safety and Security team. A suspect is in custody.
Ingraham students were released from classes for the remainder of the day and are being reunited with families. After-school activities at Ingraham have been canceled. Classes at Ingraham have been canceled for Wednesday, Nov. 9 and Thursday, Nov. 10.
Coordinated School Health and Staff Wellness (EAP) are available to help our community process this tragic incident. Below are some resources to help families.
- Talking to children and teens about Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
- Seattle Police Department Personal Safety Tips
- SPS Coordinated School Health Mental Health Resources
Additionally, Crisis Connections provides a 24-hour crisis line 866-427-4747 or Teen Link 866-833-6546.
I am grateful for the quick response and thorough investigation by the Seattle Police Department and the SPS Safety and Security team. I want to commend the responsiveness of Ingraham Principal Martin Floe and the Ingraham staff. Thank you for your rapid response to secure the campus.
Please hold your loved ones close and seek comfort in one another. SPS will keep families and staff updated as information becomes available.
Superintendent Brent Jones
Seattle Public Schools
Reunification Update Posted on Nov. 8, 2 p.m.
Dear Ingraham Families and Staff,
We had an incident of gun violence at our school. The campus is secure and currently on lockdown. Seattle Police (SPD) are on the scene and working with the district’s Safety and Security team.
All after-school activities at Ingraham today have been canceled.
Students will be released at noon. A reunification site has been set up at Meridian Ave. North and North 135th St. Families can prepare to meet at that location. Families are asked not to go to the school to pick up their student. SPD will be on site at the reunification site.
Classes at Ingraham High School have been canceled for Wednesday, Nov. 9, and Thursday, Nov. 10.
We will keep families and staff updated as this is a rapidly evolving situation.
Office of Public Affairs
Seattle Public Schools
Announcement Posted Nov. 8, 11 a.m.
Dear Ingraham Families and Staff,
There was gunfire reported in our school this morning. One student is believed to have been shot.
The campus is currently on lockdown. Seattle Police are on the scene and working with the district’s Safety and Security team. SPD is searching the area for the suspect.
The campus is secure at this time. We are remaining in lockdown.
No students are being released at this time. A reunification site has been set up at Meridian Ave. North and North 135th St. Students are not being released at this time, but families can prepare to meet at that location. Families are asked not to go to the school to pick up their student.
We will keep families and staff updated as this is a rapidly evolving situation.
Office of Public Affairs
Seattle Public Schools