Seattle Public Schools

Job Opportunities

Summary: We're Hiring! Seattle Public Schools is hiring for several positions.

We’re Hiring!

photo of teacher smiling for photo with text Teach Seattle
SPS is Hiring Teachers!

Currently hiring. Check the job board weekly for new postings.

Pro Tip: Create a profile and sign up for the “Teacher” job category so that you never miss a thing!

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You might be the one we are looking for! Seattle Public Schools is also currently hiring for the following positions.

Special Education Instructional Assistant Positions
(various locations)
Full Time

Playground/Lunch Supervisor

Culinary Services Assistants
(various locations) 

Teaching Positions
(various locations) 
Part Time

Custodians Full-Time 

Certificated Substitute Teachers


A young student sits in a classroom and poses for a photo
SPS Careers

Learn More and Apply Now!

Job Opportunities

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