Nov. 15 Well-Resourced Schools and Budget Presentation
Summary : Superintendent Brent Jones shared his plan to balance the budget and create a system of well-resourced schools with the Seattle School Board.
Recap of Nov. 15 Well-Resourced Schools and Budget Presentation
Superintendent Brent Jones shared his plan to balance the budget and create a system of well-resourced schools on Nov. 15 with the Seattle School Board.
Superintendent Jones is not recommending any school closures or consolidations for the 2024-25 school year.
Balancing the Budget and Fiscal Considerations
Like many school districts across the state, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is facing a significant budget deficit. The district has been working hard to respond to this challenge. We aim to stabilize the SPS budget over time while creating better, stronger well-resourced schools.
SPS is working to align the number of students enrolled in our district with the number of schools we operate. This may include school closures or consolidations as an option for the 2025-26 school year.
The recommendation to balance the budget in the coming years includes:
- Recommend no school closures for 2024-25.
- Explore limited program adjustments.
- Seek the implementation of financing tools from the Washington State Legislature
- Begin transition to a system of well-resourced schools.
- Explore using proceeds from the sale or lease of non-school property to address one-time financial challenges (such as the replenishment of the economic stabilization account).
We know it takes time to plan and put in place large-scale changes. Along the way, we will include our community in the process.
Next Steps and Well-Resourced Schools Engagement
The School Board heard Superintendent Jones’ recommended strategies as an introductory item during the Nov. 15 meeting. The resolution will go back to the full board for consideration at the Dec. 13 Regular Board Meeting.
Superintendent Jones based his decision not only on financial realities but also on shared community priorities and values. In August through October 2023, SPS completed its Phase I Engagement Plan which included internal and external community meetings and a survey.
Thank you to the many members of our community who added their voice.
Read the Phase I Engagement report to see what our community had to say about our vision for SPS well-resourced schools.
In preparation for the 2025-26 school year, we will work with students, families, staff, and community partners to solidify a vision for well-resourced schools. This community engagement will help us prepare for potential school closures and consolidations; grade level reorganizations; and program adjustments and restructuring.
In early 2024, SPS community will receive an invitation to join a series of community meetings and engagement opportunities.