Seattle Public Schools

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Taylor and a Seahawk assistant help students pick up coats at a school event.

Dunlap Coat Donation

Dunlap Elementary students received a special treat when Seattle Seahawks’ Darrell Taylor surprised them with new winter coats.
A teacher and two students work on school work in a classroom

Rainier View Award

Rainier View’s success can be attributed to its clear mission and vision for high-quality teaching in every classroom.
Brandon Johnson stands in front of a school fence.

Kingmakers Student Profile

For Roosevelt junior Brandon Johnson the African American Male Achievement’s Student Leadership Council provides a brotherhood.
Two photos with students. One group of students and educator raise their hands in solidarity. The second two graduate pose for a photo.

Kingmakers and Rising Son

Application for Kingmakers of Seattle Extended (KOSE), an out-of-school time virtual program for Black male middle and high school students, is open!…
a construction dumpter is being loaded with debris using heavy equipment

Construction Begins on Seven Projects

Projects to replace the school buildings at Kimball Elementary School, James Baldwin Elementary School, and Viewlands Elementary School started this summer and will be complete in time for the 23-24 school year. Seismic improvements have begun for the east buildings at Lincoln High School. Work began on the…
A mural of George Floyd with flowers and memorial in front of the wall.

Justice for George Day

Justice for George is a day to remember George Floyd and call for funds to be directed towards social programs and education.
Artist Andrea Wilbur Sigo and students stand together in front of a large log

SPS Website Artist and Native Carver

Meet the native artist Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, Squaxin Island, Skokomish, whose work is featured on the new SPS websites!…
A laptop and lock icon with password

Update Your Password on The Source

Families will need to update their Source password by November to help increase security.
A sidewalk on school grounds with a table and kid's bike. Sidewalk chalk written

Hawthorne Partnership Award

Hawthorne Elementary's evidence-based strategies to foster family and student engagement are recognized by Johns Hopkins University.
SPS staff march with a banner in a rally. Banner text says

Addressing Instances of Hate and Bias

SPS stands against all forms of intolerance, bullying, and harassment.