Reducing Plastic Water Bottle Waste
Summary : As of March 1, bottled water will no longer be supplied to staff or students unless on-site water is not available.
District Reducing Waste Starting with Bottled Water
In a return to pre-COVID operations, bottled water will not be supplied to Seattle Public Schools staff or students as of March 1 unless on-site water is not available or does not meet district standards.
Bottled water was provided because there was not frequent circulation of water in the pipes while SPS sites were closed during the initial outbreak of the COVID pandemic. During extended school breaks, flushing of the water system is required prior to the return of students. With students and staff back on site, occupancy, and flow of water is no longer an issue.
Bottled Water Not Necessary to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
The Centers For Disease Control has determined that COVID is most easily spread via airborne droplets and less so via touch points.
However, frequent cleaning of high touch points is still being performed by custodial staff. (Washington State Department of Health Supplemental Considerations to Mitigate COVID-19 Transmission in K-12 Schools, page 24)
District Water Fountains Regularly Tested
Drinking water provided at water fountains and water bottle filling stations at all SPS sites is tested regularly and is of high quality. Read more about SPS Drinking Water Quality.