Student School Assignment
Summary : Students are assigned to their attendance area school based on where they live. Families may request a different school through School Choice.
Understanding School Choice and School Assignment
New Students
Is your child starting kindergarten or a new SPS student?
Once registered, students are automatically assigned to their Attendance Area School.
Find your attendance area school.
Kindergarten and new SPS students: After registering, you are emailed your student’s SPS ID number and Attendance Area School Assignment.
Current Students
Is your child currently an SPS student? Note: If you have applied for a different school during Open Enrollment, results are available in mid-April.
Do you want to request a different school than your student’s assigned school?
Follow the steps below
- Fill out a Student Choice form. School Choice forms for the upcoming school year are accepted February 1 – May 31. Forms completed during Open Enrollment (February 1 -28) are considered “On-time” and eligible for tiebreakers.
- John Stanford Center, 2445 3rd Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98134
- Select up to five schools in order of preference (#1 = first choice, #2 = second choice, etc.)
- Parent or Guardian signs the form
- Submit form
- On The Source (parent portal) between Feb. 1 – March 30.
- Email, scan or take a photo and send to:
- Mail: 2445 3rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98134
- Drop off: SPS Admissions Office, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 p.m. at the address above
- Find results: Results are available April 19
- Kindergarten and other new families: Check your email or call 206-252-0760
- Already-enrolled: Check The Source (the parent portal)
Appeals: Is the result not the school you requested? Parents or guardians can submit an appeal.
If SPS receives more applications than seats available for a specific school and grade, tiebreakers are used to determine assignment and wait list.
Attendance Area Schools: tiebreakers for available seats after assignment at of attendance area students:
- Sibling
- Lottery
Option Schools: tiebreakers for available seats for option schools:
- Sibling
- Geographic Zone
- Lottery
Questions? Contact SPS Admissions Office: 206-252-0760 or
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