Tutoring Through Seattle Public Library
Summary : Seattle students in kindergarten through 12th grade can get free, live virtual tutoring with a Seattle Public Library.
Free Virtual Tutoring for Students Through Seattle Public Library
Seattle students in kindergarten through 12th grade can get free, live virtual tutoring with a Seattle Public Library (SPL) card or Library Link number.
Tutor.com is a service provided through SPL where students can get live online help daily from 2 to 10 p.m. in English and Spanish. Vietnamese tutors are available from 4 to 7 p.m.
These one-to-one, subject-expert tutors have gone through background screening. Students can get help with math, science, writing, history, college essays and more. Students may also upload papers for editing help, use the whiteboard to scribble math problems back and forth with the tutor, and have access to the transcript of the session when they are done.
All SPS students, teachers, and staff automatically have a Library Link. It can also be used to access other digital resources through the library, such as e-books through Libby, animated picture books and nonfiction through Bookflix, movies and graphic novels through Hoopla, research databases, and more.
How to access SPL Library Link
All SPS students, teachers, and staff automatically have a SPL Library Link account.
How to get started
- Visit SPL Virtual Tutoring webpage
- Click on “Connect to Tutor.com”
- In the barcode box, type in your Library Link or Library card number
- In the password box, type in your Library Link or library card pin.
How to find your Library Link number
Student SPL Library Link number will be 990000 (four zeroes) followed by your 7-digit Student ID Number. Your Student ID Number can be found at the top of any report card or on The Source. Your pin is the MMDD of your birthday, 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the day.
- Student ID and Library Link Example: If your Student ID Number is 1234567, your Library Link number is 9900001234567.
- Pin Example: If you were born on November 7, your PIN is 1107. Your PIN is based on the birthday that Seattle Public Schools has on record.
SPL Resources and Informational Flyers