Seattle Public Schools

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An illustration of a school bell ringing

First Bell December Edition

Watch the latest edition of “First Bell,” the Seattle Public Schools news broadcast.
Volunteer working with student on Hour of Code

Enrollment Open for Parent Education Course to Support Student Learning

SPS families are invited to join Family Connectors University, an online course to help caregivers support their child’s growth. Space is limited.
Graphic of a group of people

Join the Instructional Materials Committee 

Seattle Public Schools is looking for parents/guardians to serve on the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC).
A graphic with Seattle Public Schools logo

Well-Resourced Schools Community Meetings to be Rescheduled

We stand committed to working alongside you throughout this process. We appreciate your partnership as we strive for equitable and thoughtful solution…
Graphic that includes 8 components with icons and text. - Multiple teachers per grade level - Stable support staff - Inclusive learning for EVERY student - Social and emotional learning support -Art, music, and PE teachers - Stable operational budgets - Safe, healthy, and beautiful schools and grounds - Connections to the community

Launch of Well-Resourced Schools Web Hub: Plans, Timeline, and Community Meetings

The Well-Resourced Schools information is now available with key information on school consolidation, timelines, a racial equity analysis, and FAQs.

Well-Resourced Schools August 2024 Update

The week of Sept. 9, we will send our community an update on Well-Resourced Schools planning. SPS will present an update to the board on Sept. 18.

Texting with Talking Points

TalkingPoints is a two-way multilingual family engagement platform helping teachers and families to stay connected via text message.

Safety Planning Update and Progress for a System of Well-Resourced Schools

Superintendent Jones provides an important update on SPS safety plans and on the System of Well-Resourced Schools Plan.

Well-Resourced Schools Community Meetings

May and June community meetings to learn more about the proposed plan for creating a system of well-resourced schools.

A System of Well-Resourced Schools

SPS is building a system of well-resourced schools. This effort aims to ensure every student is prepared for college, career, and life.