Capital Levy Report to the Community
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Capital levies are the main source of funding for school construction and building improvements, as well as technology!…
Ribbon-Cuttings Kick Off School Year
Celebrations Mark Completion of Capital Levy-Funded Construction Projects For three elementary schools, Sept. 6 wasn’t just the first day of school, it was also the first day of classes in new or renovated school buildings. All three projects were funded by the Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V), which…
Memorial Stadium Replacement Project
On June 15, Seattle Public Schools and City of Seattle announced One Roof Partnership as a potential partner for the memorial stadium.
Giant Tent Allows Winter Construction
Tent Protects Construction Site from Wet Weather If you pass by Rainier Beach High School, you may wonder about the giant tent on the west side of the school. You also won’t see much active construction. That’s because the construction work for the new school building is happening inside the…
Construction Begins on Seven Projects
Projects to replace the school buildings at Kimball Elementary School, James Baldwin Elementary School, and Viewlands Elementary School started this summer and will be complete in time for the 23-24 school year. Seismic improvements have begun for the east buildings at Lincoln High School. Work began on the…