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School Board Student Members Students from Ballard, Franklin, and Lincoln high schools take the oath of office for their seat on the Seattle School Board.
School Board Engagement Opportunities for Next Strategic Plan Share your input and ideas with the Seattle School Board about the next strategic plan.
School Board to Appoint Two New Board Members The Seattle School Board appointed Sarah Clark and Joe Mizrahi for the District 2 and District 4 director positions on Wed., April 3.

School Board Directors Sworn In Evan Briggs and Gina Topp, along with incumbents Liza Rankin and Lisa Rivera, won four of the seven seats that were up for grabs on the School Board.
Levy Planning Principles Approved The Seattle School Board has approved Guiding Principles for the next school levy.
Levy Planning Guiding Principles The Seattle School Board is adopting guiding principles for the next school levy.
Seattle Council PTSA and School Board Director Meeting March 29 Watch a recording of Our Kids, Our Schools: Impacts of Legislation on Our Future meeting held on March 29.